Do your male basenjis squat to pee?
There has to be a reason for this walking poo - does anyone have a theory?
I was thinking about it the other day because Cody walks while he pees AND poos. He just can't be bothered to stop. Sometimes he'll walk 5 feet or more while he's peeing. Maybe it has something to do with being in the wild and not taking too much time or some such.
**Both my boy B's squat to pee, one's 14+ the other's 4. Peanut the older one parks to poop, but Zander is always moving. :confused:
The other thing, is they both always head in different directions. This places 'old dad' in the middle, streched out like a scarecrow, hangin on to the fully extended flexi leads. :eek:
Mom likens it to a "windmill in a hurricane"…..:rolleyes:**
We have a nine month old female who wattles around whilst she pees. She can't hide when she has an accident in the house:)
Now that is funny! :D
I always chuckle when Kananga stretches out when he squats. He's almost on his knees sometimes. :rolleyes:
Squiggy does this. His knees have touched the ground before.
If squiggy decides to hike his leg, he always rests it on something. The little pavers on my flower bed, the fence- and he only lifts it like 3 inches up. I think it is more like a modified squat ;)He also walks and twirls when he poops.
Does anyone's male dog do a hunch walk when they wake up?
Does anyone's male dog do a hunch walk when they wake up?
Yep! Jibini, neutered at 8 months old, still gets "hunched" in the morning before he goes outside. He even does it after a long nap.
My husband thinks its hilarious….he always figured "morning glory" was a purely human phenomenon. :p
Jibini also squats to pee. Usually stretches out, and occasionally his knees also touch the ground. I've never seen him lift his leg. Jibini also does the poop-spin, occasionally combined with the poop-walk. When we drove a truck, I used to joke that Jibini got paid better for a load with "multiple drops". Bad trucker bathroom humor? LOL.
I've fostered 2 male Basenjis and both of them lifted their leg if they had something to pee on. I wondered if their "manly influence" would inspire Jibini to greatness, but alas, he still squats. He even "marked" after the foster dogs, but he'd squat to do it. Kind of defeating the purpose.
Tana walks & piddles, she's never lifted a leg, and she is an efficient one-spot pooper. My late Boxer, Sweetie, used to occasionally lift a leg if she was marking new territory.
When I worked for a vet, we had one dog come in for boarding frequently, she would actually lift BOTH back legs off the ground & stand on her front paws to pee on trees. THAT was impressive. :D
Yep! Jibini, neutered at 8 months old, still gets "hunched" in the morning before he goes outside. He even does it after a long nap.
My husband thinks its hilarious….he always figured "morning glory" was a purely human phenomenon. :p
Jibini also squats to pee. Usually stretches out, and occasionally his knees also touch the ground. I've never seen him lift his leg. Jibini also does the poop-spin, occasionally combined with the poop-walk. When we drove a truck, I used to joke that Jibini got paid better for a load with "multiple drops". Bad trucker bathroom humor? LOL.
hahaha at the multiple drops :)
I think our boys might be related ;)
We always just say "Squiggy, were you having a good dream?" He even walks around until he done hump walking- crazy boy. -
We have a 7 months old Basenji; he used to only squat to pee. Since we've been taking him to a dog park, he is all confused and try to lift his leg to pee, which always pees on the other leg!! However, I was not sure if this was normal or he learned from other breeds, after reading some of the comments on this site, noticed lifting leg is not part of their nature!!!
@btbasenji said in Do your male basenjis squat to pee?:
We have a 7 months old Basenji; he used to only squat to pee. Since we've been taking him to a dog park, he is all confused and try to lift his leg to pee, which always pees on the other leg!! However, I was not sure if this was normal or he learned from other breeds, after reading some of the comments on this site, noticed lifting leg is not part of their nature!!! -
Disagree with your last statement. Leg lifting comes with maturity... also most is marking. Puppies squat.... Adults mark and/or lift to pee, however if in a comfortable situation (home/yard) many will still squat
No idea but have read lifting or not lifting to pee depends on the situation, raised with other males. I'd look for research but I don't really care. All my Rottie bitches squatted to pee but sure as heck marked. The marking got worse when I kept a male pup and he matured. He marked unless his mother was outside too. If he marked, she marked over it and he wasn't stupid enough to remark, so he saved face and just didn't mark if she was out. None of my 3 basenji bitches hike. We have a Samoyed now. Their legs are short. he is the first dog we've ever had that pees on his feet. My chows, also short legs (compared to longer legged dogs like basenjis and Rotties) all parked or stretched to pee, not normal squatting. Do they do that not to pee on their feet? I don't know. But I am tired of wiping off Mr PeeMyFeet so if someone has a solution, let me know. I'd considering a peeing post so he only peeds while hiking.
@tanza said in [Do your male basenjis squat to pee?]
Disagree with your last statement. Leg lifting comes with maturity... also most is marking. Puppies squat.... Adults mark and/or lift to pee, however if in a comfortable situation (home/yard) many will still squat
+1. This. We had a male who waited till he was over a year old before he lifted his leg, but eventually he did.
I had a male Basenji that peed like a horse until the day he died at 15 and a half. No matter where he was. And it was kinda nice having a male that wouldn't hike his leg to piss all over things, never marked anything either. Don't complain if your boy doesn't hike to pee.
On the other hand, I had 2 Siberian Husky bitches who were TERRIBLE markers, always tried to get it as high as they could. They were both spayed too. One passed away a few years ago, still have the other, and she never marks anymore.