Oldest basenji?
I read your post, I don't see selfish. I see devotion.
I do suggest you ask your vet about cyproheptadine for appetite. It is miraculous, safe– simply an antihistimine that works to make them very hungry. And cheap.
My Yuhafta Yodel is 18 years old this month. Although she forgets where she has walked to in the house or walks under a chair and forgets how to get out, or even if she no longer remembers to go outside to potty, I wouldn't change a thing about her after living with her this long. To look at her, one would think that we are not feeding her because she looks so emaciated. But, we have to doctor her food with juices from other foods before she will take a bite, and then she eats. She paces in circles or just all over the house. She has had many a stroke, some lasting as long as 8 minutes. Some only 2 minutes. When they pass, she gets up like, ?Okay, Dad. I?m all done now?. But then we have to corral her in a pen for about 4 hours, otherwise she could hurt herself just by bumping into things or stumbling.
Still, with all of these circumstances, she has not failed to greet me when I come home from work. Slow getting there, but she still gets there. She still wants to get in my lap and once she is there, she is as happy as a lark, lays her head down, and goes to sleep.
She is in no pain. She is not starving. She is not lacking in anything that would be detrimental to her health, so I see no reason for putting her down. My mother-in-law had all of these signs with Alzheimer and we did not ?put her down?. We tolerated all of the conditions and let her pass from natural causes. Just because 'Hafta has "Dogsheimer" doesn't mean we have to get rid of her. We will tolerate Hafta just like my mother-in-law.
Besides, Hafta is the longest lure coursing Basenji since Basenji's were allowed to enter in 1978.
Selfish? Maybe. Tolerable? A lot. Love and devotion to this dog? More than you know.
OMG…. are these my old friends that I have not seen in ages???? So glad to hear that Hafta is still going... at 18.... my goodness.... that is super!!! My C-Me (Ch Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri) goes back to Hafta!!!! Check out her pedigree at Sally Wallis site!
I treasure all the senior b's I own and count as friends those folks who do all they can to keep their companions comfortable in their golden years.
OMG…. are these my old friends that I have not seen in ages???? So glad to hear that Hafta is still going... at 18.... my goodness.... that is super!!! My C-Me (Ch Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri) goes back to Hafta!!!! Check out her pedigree at Sally Wallis site!
Hellllooo Pat! Yes, it has been a long, long, time. I think 'Hafta would have been better had I not left California for work last summer. I was out of a job her so I went to Michigan for a job. I lasted 3 months and Susan called me telling me 'Hafta is about to die and I had better return home. She quit eating because she decided I left her and was not coming back. I got home and force fed her because I was not going to let her die. She was in great health before I left. Now, she is only in fair health, but at least she isn't dead. We finally lost my Lu to Fanconi about 3 or 4 years ago. It was a horrible death for her. I don't wish that on anybody. She and I were so close she now sits by my bed in a little box. :)
How is your other half, Ted doing? And I haven't forgotten Maggii. She was a great, beautiful little dog. My C-Me is terrific looking as well. Forgive me, but I forget your other dogs names it has been so long. Tell the Leighton's hello for us and Parry and is it Ken also? We haven't forgotten them either. We both enjoyed going up to Northern California and the hospitality. We couldn't drive fast enough to get there when we would go. I miss going up there.
When we are ready for a replacement, we know where to go. We miss all of you up there.
It is so great to hear from you, Ted is great… send me a private email at tanzab@aol.com so we don't keep "hi-jacking" this thread and I will fill you in on many details of everyone up hear. Great to hear from you and hugs to Susan!
I remember Hafta as some of our dogs coursed with her back in the day. She was an excellent courser! Perhaps lure coursers tend to live longer as our dogs were around the same age and they have just passed within the last year or two. I was thinking of Merlin, GiGi, and Glory Be.
He still opens the fridge and helps himself to anything left on the bottom shelf .Sence the glucosmine he is getting to the second and onto the first shelf where all the good left overs are hunted .
This is SO basenji! They are just too smart! :)
Our Basenji, Nosey will be 12 on December 31st. We had a black and white boy, Bret, who passed at 14 years. And another who went far too soon at only 5 years.
It is so hard to think of life with out my baby. So I enjoy every minute of the time we have together. We are bringing in a new puppy in to the family. He needs a companion :) -
This thread started Dec 2011. Wondering ages now. We lost Arwen at 12. Cara is 9, looks half her age.
My Skeeter is 17 years 2 and 1/2 months old. I have had her since she was 2 months old. She has gotten so skinny and is frail but she still eats and drinks and lets me know when she needs to go out. I have to keep her on a leash now because she tends to take off and we live out in the country but the other day she went down our driveway and out onto the gravel road. I'm not sure she knows where she is any more but she does find her way back. She can't see very well but her hearing is still pretty good, She always did have selective hearing. She has been a treasure and I love her dearly. I know she can't be here much longer and my goal is to keep her as comfortable as possible. She doesn't exhibit any signs of being in any kind of pain. It is my constant prayer that she will just slip away in her sleep and I won't have to make the decision to put her down. She was very sick 3 years ago and was diagnosed with a brain tumor and kidney failure but on the advice of a friend, I stopped any food or treat that had red dye in it and she stopped having seizures immediately and hasn't had one since.