Back again
Welcome back! I've missed your beautiful pics of your family. And my, how baby girl has grown.
Glad to see you back on the Forum. Sounds like your life has been very exciting and busy lately. The dogs all look wonderful - Enya is no puppy any more! How are they adjusting to the new ship?
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! :)
The dogs, cats and Ryan adjust very well! Easier than we expect actually!
We guided them before the moving by buying their new things (new house new stuff :) ) already so that they could get used to it at our old home.
At the new home, we took them with us every half day so they could see the place started to look like a home but also have their rest at their "old" home. Ryan went with us the first days to work in his room and then went to my parents so we could work at the rest of the house.
They could relax from the first moment, better than we adjusted hahaI will post some pictures from the movement!
Our new home!
Living room (we still are searching for nice and calm green paintings and already added some deco)
Our bedroom
The africa room, it's my working room (to write, paint and draw) and the doggies room with their own crates.
Ryans room with handprints from me, Kas, Ryan, my parents (Ryan's grandparents) and our sailor boy thomas (Ryans best friend :) )
We wanted (well Ryan wanted) footprints of the doggies too but we tryed Buana's foot and it was really too stressfull to paint their paws, and stick them to the wall..
Always lovely to see new pictures from you! Ryan is growing up quickly, along with your pups! The new home looks really comfortable.
Good to hear from you again, Kim, and thank you for the pictures. I must admit when I was in Holland for a few days I particularly noted the container ships with their living quarters (and cars on top) and thought of you all and your life. i think that you will be great working with dogs you have done so well with your own family (human, doggy and cats).