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Hana setting off our home alarm ?

Basenji Talk
  • OK
    we had a bit of a scare the other day !
    coming back from our girls 8th Bday party we get a call from ADT alarm that are back window break alarm had gone off ! this covers our kitchen and side living room
    of course panic sets in as we keep Hana in that side room in her cage if we go out for a few hours
    my first fear is of course I hope she is OK !
    thinking the worst we get home in about 15 minutes police finally arrive !!! argghhh slow response

    anyway every thing is fine ! no broken glass but poor Hana is HOWLING louder than I have ever heard her before ? poor pup

    so asking ADT can a dog set off the glass break sensor ? they say dont know its set to only go off at glass break frequency ?? whatever that means

    so has anyone ever had this happen their dog setting off a glass break sensor ? in the future we are going to keep her in our bedroom :)
    I could see a motion sensor etc..

    we dont go out to often we work from home and do homeschooling the few times we go out our usually Bday party so short couple hours max times without her usually when we come home she is quiet and happy to see us no yelping etc..

  • Okay I love when I learn new things. I always assumed that glass breaking detectors respond to , well, the glass BREAKING. Found just now that those are not the only or even major ones! Wow! So yep, noises can do it.. wouldn't think of a dog but a basenji scream, maybe, lol!

    QUOTE: Acoustical detectors:
    Acoustical or sound discriminators work by "hearing" the noise of breaking glass. Most units today are tuned to react only to the specific frequency of glass breaking. There are some units still on the market that react to any loud noise. Be aware of the environment that you put an acoustical in. Loud music, high background noise levels, ceiling fans or other machinery (can generate harmonics), and very high humidity such as in bathrooms, can adversely affect the performance of sound detectors. Newer detectors are mostly immune to loud noises unless they are extremely close the frequency of breaking glass. A major advantage of these units is their ability for one detector to protect a medium sized room with several windows. The detection range can extend up to 40+ feet. Window coverings must also be considered, drapes, curtains, and shutters can all affect sound transmission, so it is important that the installer test the units thoroughly.

  • hahahah was going to google it a bit when I got some time :)

    I joked about that old Ela Fitzgerald ? sorry cant spell her name :) in that old commercial where she broke a glass :) OK I am only 48 so not sure how many remember that think it was a memorex commercial ? who remembers tapes :)

    but joked if humans can break glass maybe Basenjis can replicate the sound of it breaking :)

  • LOL, as said by Debra in her reply, the alarms are set to respond only to a specific frequency sound and your Hana just happens to have a scream in the perfect frequency range to set yours off. Good luck, and here is hoping that Hana gets over her separation anxiety.

  • @Hana:

    I joked about that old Ela Fitzgerald ? sorry cant spell her name :) in that old commercial where she broke a glass :) OK I am only 48 so not sure how many remember that think it was a memorex commercial ? who remembers tapes :)

    Yes! I remember those commercials. The Ella Fitzgerald one was one of a few of them done for Memorex. The motto was 'is it live, or is it Memorex". I always wondered if Ella was actually breaking the glass. There weren't so many special effects available at the time, so maybe she really did break the glass.

    And yes, I remember tapes. I remember 8 track tapes!

  • Wow, would have never thought a Basenji could hit that particular frequency range with the sensors. Good to know!

    Although it makes you wonder, would that discourage a Basenji barking/screaming if it sets off the alarm? Maybe this is a good thing. :D

  • ahhhh good old 8 tracks :)

    yeah the only thing I can think is her cause no broken glass ? nothing fell of the counters and again she was howling like their was no tomorrow ?
    I think next time we do a small trip out I am going to leave a small video camera rolling on her
    away from the glass sensors of course :)

    Kananga ? could be a deterrent the question would be if she figures out its a way to get us home and keep doing it :) hahahahah

  • Well I just spent nearly 30 mins looking to see if there was any question of legitimacy on the Ella commercial. You know, when I was a kid, I just took it as FACT, and now with the internet I have found so many things I THOUGHT were true are hoaxes.

    I like to think that the taped version of Ella was indeed legit glass breaking. :)

    And I think the video is a GREAT idea. :)

  • Just to chime in here, I also remember those "is it live or is it Memorex" commercials. Sorry, Debra, but I didn't watch your links yet. Just wanted to say that I remember a while back the show 'Mythbusters" did a segment on this very subject….the conclusion was "plausible", which means given the right voice, with the right glass, and the right circumstances, it is indeed possible for a human voice to break glass.

    As to the 'glass break detector' of ADT, I also have one. Though my B has never set it off, I slamming a cupboard door, not really that hard, causing some dishes to rattle. This was in the 'home' mode; window and door sensors active plus glass break, motion = inactive. My boy can be very vocal if he's in the right mood...hmm...maybe I should give it a test :)

  • interesting on the slamming a door dish rattle thing :)

  • Yeah, that whole setting off the 'glass break' thing was kinda freaky. it was not too long after I got my alarm system. My house had been broken into twice in 11 months so I had to do something. During those months my first B passed and I have another, They were both crated at the time of the break-ins and seemed no worse for wear, thankfully. I don't set the 'home' mode very much anymore. just kinda depends on how i feel.

  • Bart sorry to hear the break ins !!! lucky mine was a false but again thats a tough one to have happen we had our truck stolen before and have to say that sense of being violated and the fear after is not fun !!!! wish ya the best ;)

    I know my first real fear for my wife and I was for Hana well being !!!

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