Saboo looks like our b/w Duke - action and all. Thanks for sharing. I have to work on figuring out how to add a picture. I had a time figuring out how to add the avatar pic - reducing the resolutions so it would accept it.
Great pics! I also love the first one. He (?) has such soulful eyes… and is that a hint of a mohawk or just the way the light is reflecting?
No mohawk going on. The red hairs just stand out more, I guess, in the photo.
I had to laugh the other night - I came home late from easter services and went right to bed. Instead of curling up in her usual position on one side Gossy came over by my head and over the course of the night she managed to work her way around the bed. By morning she was back in her usual position on the opposite side. :D
She's really beautifull!!!!
The pic with her ears a bit flat is soooo cute…
Our Brindle makes hisears flat when we come home :D (with a big Barooooo)
Yeah, thats what she was doing in that pic :D She loves to talk to me :rolleyes: