• So next Saturday is Basil's second round of shots. Right now I'm feeding him three times a day on Orijen puppy and plan to switch… which I'll ask the vet about as to when to switch depending on his health and weight at the first appointment. I also add either chopped carrots, cooked yam or a little olive oil to his food at least once a day. He absolutely loves it. His bowel movements are now normal... and are only after every meal and sometimes once more in the evening... not 10 times or more a day like it was on Ol' Roy. I don't know if this means he doesn't have giardia but I will still take a stool sample.

    His favourite treats are the Nylabones (thank you guys!) and dried papaya and mango... he just tried a dried banana last night and it took him awhile to like it but he ate it all 🙂 He loves the papaya and mango because it's chewy so it's almost like a bone. I'm thinking of getting some of Dr. Harvey's veg to bowl, I give it to my birds and I think that would be a great supplement for his meals. He also loves his treat dispenser ball, I just put his kibble in it and he hasn't figured out the rolling part... he just attacks the ball 🙂

    On days that I work I rush home on my lunch at 1pm and I feed him outside so that he's already out to play and do his business. I stay until 2pm and it's really nice to have that break to play with him. He's still kept in the playpen with access to his kennel. He has water, toys and a puppy pad in there. I leave the tv on for him so he has some voices around him. In the past week I've come home to dry puppy pads... he waits to go outside on my lunch! good puppy!

    He's starting to whine at my bedroom door to go outside when he needs to but if he's out of my room he'll just start to sniff around and I'll know that it's time... I'm starting to not have to carry him outside... he's learning to go in and out of the door way (it's a bit of a drop when you're going outside). He's even starting to come inside when I head to the door and call him over 🙂 The other day he played fetch with a smaller bouncy ball (just the right size for him to hold in his mouth but not small enough to choke on).

    Basil absolutely loves his hour long walks in the evening, he's like a celebrity here... people stop us on the street and we've even had people pull over in their cars! Last night even a black cat wanted to walk up to him to meet him 🙂 He's getting a little better about the sitting and laying down on walks.. he still needs his rests every now and then which I give him. I'm also teaching him to heel when he tries to pull... if he pulls I stop and stand firmly and say "heel". I start walking again if he sits down or if he comes back to me to put slack in the leash and he gets a "good boy" praise or a piece of kibble if I have.

    He's still biting a lot, especially ankles and I haven't quite figured out what else to do about that. I try to say "good boy" if he's around my feet and doesn't bite them or if he's laying nicely when I'm doing other things. But I'm hoping the book that's supposed to come this week will help and I will be phoning the obedience classes next week. I believe they can start at 13 weeks? Which will be a week after his vet appointment this Saturday. I'll update you guys more after his vet appointment Saturday... sorry for the long post!

  • Sounds like he is doing very well 😃

    Keep working on the mouthing. The behavior can be self-reinforcing as it in itself is more rewarding for the puppy than the alternative of stopping to make the owner happy 😉

    Yes, at 13 weeks he should be old enough for a puppy class.

    Sounds like he has a fan club in his neighborhood like our Watson does around here…not a walk goes by without someone commenting on the pretty dog 😃

  • It sounds like the both of you are doing great! Continue to be consistent - well done!

    As for 'Ol Roy' dogfood, I noticed that it is sold at Wal-Mart, where I would expect to find lesser quality dog foods. Good for you for switching to a more quality brand. 🙂

  • @Kipawa:

    It sounds like the both of you are doing great! Continue to be consistent - well done!

    As for 'Ol Roy' dogfood, I noticed that it is sold at Wal-Mart, where I would expect to find lesser quality dog foods. Good for you for switching to a more quality brand. 🙂

    It is sold at walmart 😞 I knew it wasn't a good quality food to begin with but I thought it was better to transition the pup after he was here for awhile to not stress him out too much. I have budgies and if you just give them new food they could starve or die from stress… I guess puppies are a little less vulnerable 🙂 He seems very happy though... you guys really helped with all your advice 🙂

  • He is very cute.. if those pictures are of him at 8wks, I am surprised… looks much younger... and don't see much Basenji there... but very cute all the same

  • Seems to be a very young dog. But extremely cute.

  • @tanza:

    He is very cute.. if those pictures are of him at 8wks, I am surprised… looks much younger... and don't see much Basenji there... but very cute all the same

    I thought the ears and definitely his personality. He does have a bit of white on his back paws and chest.

  • He is adorable ❤

  • He's a lovely boy and you're doing very well with him. He looks very young to me too.

  • @Patty:

    He's a lovely boy and you're doing very well with him. He looks very young to me too.

    He's crossed with a schipperke which are much smaller…could this be why?

  • @basilboy7:

    He's crossed with a schipperke which are much smaller…could this be why?

    I don't think so… I think that many of us that have raised litters relate to their look at different ages... regardless of the breed. I had the same reaction to his picture... just looked younger then what you have said that he is....

  • @tanza:

    I don't think so… I think that many of us that have raised litters relate to their look at different ages... regardless of the breed. I had the same reaction to his picture... just looked younger then what you have said that he is....

    That's worrying. He should already be 11 weeks now. I was told he was born May 5th.

  • he is suuuuuuuper cute!
    he does look really young in the pictures - it looks like his eyes still have the blue tint to them.

  • Today we went to the vet and had his vaccinations done. I was upset that a vet didn't come look at him. Only a vet tech came in to do the shots and asked me how he was. She gave him his shot and I fed him a cookie… he didn't even flinch! 🙂 I was also given some heart worm pills. Yesterday I added a tsp of his kibble to the chicken, rice and yam mix. Today I'm adding two tsps. We're having trouble with not going for walks... he seemed to love them and get out a lot of energy while walking. I'm trying to run with him in the backyard but he keeps going into his rages trying to get my pants or ankles which is when I stop and grab his leash and hold him firmly so he can't bite me. He usually gives up and calms down. He has started to take an interest in fetch with a tennis ball that squeaks. The vet said no walking but I don't know if she meant until the antibiotics are done (we're done this coming Monday) or if that means after all his shots are finished. He gets his last shots on August 13th and I plan to sign him up for puppy socialization classes that start on the 21st. I wanted to check with you guys first. If he is only 8 weeks... why didn't my vet say something? Should he have gotten the 12 week vaccinations? Could they not work as well if given so early? Why would a breeder lie about his age? and also, when should I then start puppy socialization classes? How long after should we do the obedience training?

  • Vets are like any other professionals, some are really good, some are not so great. I would contact your practice and ask them when you pup will be safe to take out again - in view of the antibiotics as well as the vax - also sometimes having antibiotics at the same time can make the vax less effective.

    Also when the vet says not to take the pup for a walk do they really mean not to take him to areas where other dogs might be?

    Here is a link to a free down load of Dr Ian Dunbar's 'After you get your puppy'
    Which talks about all the socialisation your puppy will benefit from in helping turn him into a dog that will be a pleasure to be around.

    Also do not think of obedience class as something to start at a certain age. Think of it more that you are teaching him manners, and 'right from wrong' in your world - eg to a dog the whole world is a chew toy. To you his toys are chew toys and everything else is off limits. Again the download I've linked will help you work through these things.

    The same with play if you run with Basil it is perfectly normal for him to want to grab you trousers/legs, you need to show him this is not appropriate play with a human. Have a toy, like the ball, or a soft toy/rope tug that you substitute for your trousers. That way the game continues. If he insists on attacking your legs. Just stand up and walk away game over. He'll soon learn which is the most rewarding - what keeps the game going.

    We run puppy classes which if the puppy owners want to keep training their dogs (and most do) they go on to our more formal class after they graduate from the puppy socialisation course as the pups have learnt how to concentrate and work for short periods in an environment with other dogs and are ready for more focussed training.

    Good luck with your little guy, he certainly is a cutie-pie!

  • I talk my puppies out after the first set of shots. I just use common sense… and I do not believe in keeping them in a glass "bubble" until all the shots are given. I don't go to dog parks, I do not let them sniff poop from other dogs that people don't pick up. I take them to Lure Trials, Dog shows, etc. I have NEVER had a puppy get sick from doing that and I believe that it builds up their immune system to be out and about as soon as possible. And especially after the second shot.

    I think the reason that people were giving you mixed messages is that it seemed that your pup was younger then what you were told.

    Do you have recent pictures, like from the last couple of days we could see?

  • @tanza:

    I talk my puppies out after the first set of shots. I just use common sense… and I do not believe in keeping them in a glass "bubble" until all the shots are given. I don't go to dog parks, I do not let them sniff poop from other dogs that people don't pick up. I take them to Lure Trials, Dog shows, etc. I have NEVER had a puppy get sick from doing that and I believe that it builds up their immune system to be out and about as soon as possible. And especially after the second shot.

    I think the reason that people were giving you mixed messages is that it seemed that your pup was younger then what you were told.

    Do you have recent pictures, like from the last couple of days we could see?

    Thanks Tanza, I posted some pictures on the thread Vet concerned with growling. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

  • Pat, what age does the blue leave puppies eyes?

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