• So, you puppy parents out there….how are things going?

    They are all around 7-8months now right? They have their shots, have been fixed, have their teeth in and are beginning to become young adults.

    I have noticed that Cairo has really mellowed out. He isnt crazy like he was and is trying to destuff every toy and crate bed I give him. He goes to the dog park and loves every dog he meets. He doesnt chew on Caesar as much as before.

    What are you guys experiencing? Anyone in training classes or already out? How was that?

  • @Mantis:

    So, you puppy parents out there….how are things going?

    They are all around 7-8months now right? They have their shots, have been fixed, have their teeth in and are beginning to become young adults.

    I have noticed that Cairo has really mellowed out. He isnt crazy like he was and is trying to destuff every toy and crate bed I give him. He goes to the dog park and loves every dog he meets. He doesnt chew on Caesar as much as before.

    What are you guys experiencing? Anyone in training classes or already out? How was that?

    Ummm, Keoki must have missed the memo about mellowing out and becoming a young adult. He is still goofy and crazy and de-stuffing anything he can get his nice strong teeth into.

    He is beginning to stand up to Jazzy a bit more. If she's on Gypsy's pillow and he approaches, she gives him her mean-bossy-bitch growl and now he just moves in close and stands next to her. Sometimes she'll attack, other times she just grumbles while he settles in.

    He's not fixed yet for a couple of reasons: 1} we're traveling a lot off and on in August, so he'll have to wait until September, and 2} I am still making the decision as to whether to show or not. Dh really –really--would like to NOT show him, but did fianlly say, "I don't care what you do, but I'M not going to the shows." --but the tone said, "I'd really rather get him fixed soon". But I get such a kick out of watching my dogs out there . . .
    Trying to decide at what point I'm just taking advantage of dh's agreeableness. I mean, he didn't want Jazz to show either; the original deal when we got her was that she would be spayed at six months. Then she wound up showing for two years . . .
    I have a few weeks to figure it out.

    No training classes here at all. sigh. I would have liked to have done that for/with him, but the timing was always off. But he listens really well and is as obedient as I expect him to be at this point.
    Keoki is doing great. He has a much warmer nature toward strangers than Jazzy ever had, and is our official guest greeter. He's pretty sure that every person who comes into the house is here to see him. He's quite tall now -- when he lays on dh's lap in the recliner he stretches from waist to ankles; he used to fit so nicely. LOL

  • Well let's see…....I have an 8 month old female pup named Cory and three 5 1/2 month olds Jayden, Jozie, and Rocky. Cory has been housetrained for months and the three younger ones are pretty much housetrained too. Cory never chews on things she isn't supposed to and the three younger ones are learning. Jozie inherited her mother's "termite gene" though and she has sawed through the plastic crate bottom bed and has roughed up the edges of the potty boxes. All three immediately stop chewing on unapproved things with an "ank!" from me. Cory can be a "hardhead" at times but the three younger ones are VERY trainable and listen to me well. I have been taking the three younger ones to show dog training classes each week and Jayden is ring-ready right now. He has picked up on things quickly and already gaits beautifully on a loose lead and holds a hand stack well. Rocky loves the classes too but he's more interested in bouncing around rather than the show stuff haha. Jozie is not too thrilled about the whole thing though so she will need more work. If I ever find homes for Cory and Rocky I can spend more time with her.

  • Kobey is doing great both in the Show ring and Obedience (Show ring with me, Obedience class with his other Mom, Ann)…. Has two points from his first two shows... is a real sweetheart... however.. he is all Basenji boy... and still a wild child... and way to early in life for him to "mellow"...ggggg
    Maybe when he is 10yrs old...

  • wow that is a lot of work!! sounds fun or very distracting:)

  • Damisi is just a pain-all puppy! Show ring? HA. I'll show you. She doesn't show yet. Getting her around the ring is quite comical. At the Canadian National it rained and she did the Bunny Hop all the way around. Twice!

  • Our Chevy is now 9 months and she has established herself as Queen B to our 2yr old male chase. She is very different than Chase. She has a great temperament (very laid back) loves to be cuddled and is quite the talker. She barks, yodels, long happy growls when we come home. Her and Chase get along but they have their moments with each other. Chase usually will walk away and let her win! Chase was not the cuddler but he is more of a cuddler since bringing Chevy into the house. Probably a little jealousy. They both love chasing the squirrels and cats that tease them. We love our B's!!!:)

  • Wyatt went through his second chewing stage and actually chewed a few things (not too bad though) and discovered the fun of shredding paper:eek: He finished puppy kindergarten and just started beginner class with our new rescue - 1 year old Sawyer, who is much more high energy than Wyatt. They both are up to date on all shots and are both neurtered as per rescue requirements. They play constantly and then fall asleep cuddled up together. They are double the trouble, but twice the joy:)

  • Sophie is 8 months and some change. Sophie is slowly catching on about how to be a show dog. She has 2 points, her most recent at the Lompoc Kennel Club show, http://mydogphoto.com/gallery/index.php?Qwd=./All%20Breed%20Shows/Lompoc%20Valley%20Kennel%20Club/July%202007%20-%20I&Qif=bsj%20bow.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=M&Qtmp=FS

    As a housedog she is doing pretty well though she will chew my dress shoes if I do not put them in the closet. She also will shred toilet paper but I think that is just plain genetic, all mine do it if they are in the mood. She and her sister play hard every afternoon and love the country walks with their dog friends.

    As for training, Sophie is doing well in puppy agility. She is doing all the contacts, tunnel, chute, and the tire on the ground. The challenges have been her absolute love of our agility instructor who she loves to "find" on the course and that she seems to have only 1 speed, "GO!" In obedience, her challenges are that she loves people and dogs and would much rather socialize than have to focus on me and working. She does better in the high distraction locations like downtown, go figure. She and her sister, Rio, took turns being my demo dog at "Dog Days of Summer" summer camp. She loved all the kids and the dogs and getting to work. It gave her a great start at rally obedience and working with lots of distractions.

  • Daisy is 8 mos old now. She's been thru Intro Obedience at Pet Smart - graduated in June. She listens very well. I am taking Duke (1yr 7mos old) thru Intermediate Obedience now and am practicing the lessons with Daisy at home with Duke. She's got a paw-up on it. She does not chew on molding or furniture anymore - She loves-loves those cow hoofs. She and Duke run the B500 all over outside a couple times when I get home and usually again in the house before bed time. It's always a spectacle. They are always together, when not resting. Duke doesn't tolerate her wanting to lay with him. So she moves to another location. But she would if she could. She is accepting to cuddling - always has. If Duke wants to be loved, he decides when (like a cat).

  • My boys, Aiken and Donge, are 8 months old now and today was probably the first day I didn't have to chase them away from something. Well, Aiken did steal some toilet paper from the trash can and run down the stairs while Donge ran guiltily to me. When I tell him, "Aiken, drop that!" He hurriedly drops it, but then runs to the door. He drops the wad he grabs and keeps a piece about the size of two quarters hidden within his mouth to play with when I'm not looking. The little brat!! Really though, They were really pretty calm besides the races through the house.

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