Elder B's and sleep
Ziggy is now 12 years old, closing in on 13. I think I know the answer to this question (but I'll ask anyway). Do elder B's tend to sleep most of the time? Ziggy is either lightly dozing or sound asleep whenever he's not eating or walking outside. I've noticed more instances when he sleeps through sounds that usually wake him up (leash jingling, door opening).
I have a 16 1/2 year old border collie mix and she sleeps so soundly (and ALL day long) that we can literally life her head up off the pillow, let it gently fall back down, and she won't wake up. If we need her to wake up (she's deaf, so calling her is no good) we have to either stomp on the floor near her bed or physically nudge her until she awakens!
I think losing the hearing and some vision makes sleeping in a nice warm area, something they enjoy. My old boy is all about comfort now.
Nicky is almost 14, 95% deaf, and seems to only wake up to raid the trash or chew up a purse. Ed is 11, almost 12, and likewise he sleeps a lot. They do still enjoy long walks and last night were racing around the park like pups…for a few minutes only, though. But at home, they resemble cats, getting lots of beauty rest.
Ziggy's extra sleeping is fairly normal for the age.
Is it typical for basenjis to lose their hearing with age? Again, Oakley is my first basenji and the Other breeds I grew up with typically didn't.
Is it typical for basenjis to lose their hearing with age? Again, Oakley is my first basenji and the Other breeds I grew up with typically didn't.
I'd say it's hard to know because the darn basenjis have such selective hearing even when they can hear.
Digital the brindlewonderkid, at 14.5 years, sleeps very soundly and really has lost some (most?) hearing. Oddly some sounds, like the sound of opening a can of coke, spook him, and he's never been spooky about things before. So now I try to muffle that sound by using oven mitts if he's around.
Jet the trying, who is 13.5, seems to still have good hearing, but because he's trying, it's sort of hard to tell. Cookies in the pocket seem to improve his hearing for whatever reason. ;)
Muffling the sound of opening a can, lmao- the thing we do! I have a very long way to go and have a feeling I'll never know. Oakley is as selective as I've ever seen! It's amazing the things he chooses to hear
Is it typical for basenjis to lose their hearing with age? Again, Oakley is my first basenji and the Other breeds I grew up with typically didn't.
All of my elders lost some or all of their hearing by 14.