We just recently got our new bundle of joy Nalaโฆ 8 weeks old.
Shes such a sweet heart....
Loves to snuggle up to you and keep warm....plays around and is so much fun.
We are having a few i say minor problems.
First off...
She keeps pooping everywhere in the house.
When we take her out to eliminate she only goes to pee. She seems to only poop in the house in the corners of rooms.
She pooped outside this morning and we gave her praise and a treat.
The breeder had a "kitty litter" type thing in the corner which is why she still thinks she should pee in corners i believe.
She keeps nipping at us even though she is a puppy. She takes it too far. We have been consistant with when she does nip or try to bite us we yell out like if it hurt tell her no and even stop playing at that moment and ignore her for a while...
She stops for a min but then is back at it again or just keeps doing it right after.
She hates the leash...we got her a collar nothing special and we just even tried to put it around her neck and she just keeps scratcing at it......
She always pulls away and resist to even getting use to it. We tried giving her treats and sniffing it to get use to it but to no avail.
Any help would be great as we do not want to have to deal with issues that can be corrected to get worse in the future.
Ok well yes we spoke to the breeder and she gave some tips about it.
THey didnt use a collar on her before we got her
She is also doing much better with going outside and letting us know. GUess it just takes time.
I guess i just thought she needed to be walked. She has so much energy sometimes after a good nap but we are not walking her as of yet.
I did not use a kitty litter cause i did not want her to get use to this. Why use a kitty litter if we dont plan on using it.
THe nipping is still happening but i guess we cant really do much we just stuff a toy in her mouth and tell her chew so she knows to chew/nip on her toys.
Anyone have any tips on crate training their basenji..
She absoulutely hates the crate in the day..unless she is super tired and will nap on us then we will take her and put her in the crate..
She HATES being away from us and being along. Has no issues sleeping in the crate at night too. Goes in with ease.