I was a little pre-occupied earlier today, and Doodle displayed her displeasure at my constant delays... how? She got up on the sofa and did this little prancing-dancing thing. Like she was saying, "haha, look at me misbehaving". LOL oh yeah.... if that is her "breaking bad", I'm in trouble, she's got my heart!
Obsessed with my forhead!
Funny..Otis was obsessed with licking my husbands head too, he is shaved bald as well..he could do it for hours if you'd let him.
Heh, I tried to just let him go tired of it…but 12 minutes was all I could take. And his "moaning of joy" while licking made me uncomfortable...lol
Buddy will climb on the back of the couch and get behind me to lick my ears. If I'm down low to the ground he'll go for the ears too. I have to get up quick.
It's probably the salt on the skin. Either that or your basenjis think you are also basenjis!
With Abbey it's the top of my feet the minute I take off my shoes. Sweaty feet = delicious salt lick!
Hunter will lick my husband's face forever, if allowed. He has greasy skin and we all know how much bs like, well, stuff that we wouldn't!
Kai will lick my arm constantly, and also my toes
Just thinking, in 'human' terms, of the things described here makes me say "ugh". My current guy has no such obsession but my previous fella….it was a feet thing, that and the "OMG - mom's wet, must dry her" everytime I got out of the shower or came in from the rain. Gotta love 'em.:)
I do! It seems when Raptor licks my head (balding) I get a little more hair growing in the spot where he licks!
You'll have to market Raptor - he could earn a lot of money!!!!!