• I re-read the thread Dan posted, did the math, and if I am correct, you have been in this situation now for about 2.5 years (since Simba was neutered)? IMO, that's a long time to be putting up with a very serious problem, and you have been extremely lucky that Simba has not urgently hurt anyone. You are not happy, probably very worried, and it sounds as if Simba is not happy. There are solutions, and it's my feeling that it would be best you look to re-home Simba into a family with no children and a slower social life. Sorry if I sound abrupt, but this is a serious matter for all involved.

  • I agree with everything all you are saying! I agree that he would be better in a kid free home. Yes, i have been dealing with this for a couple years now and its just getting worse. I dont want or need any one getting seriously hurt by simba. I know that it will be hard to find him the right home and it will be hard to let him go, since i have had him since he was a small pup.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about finding him the right home?

  • @simba's_mom:

    I agree with everything all you are saying! I agree that he would be better in a kid free home. Yes, i have been dealing with this for a couple years now and its just getting worse. I dont want or need any one getting seriously hurt by simba. I know that it will be hard to find him the right home and it will be hard to let him go, since i have had him since he was a small pup.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about finding him the right home?

    In this thread you said you got Simba from Meisterhaus.

    Your first step should be to contact your breeder as I'm sure they'll want the dog to go back to them - did you sign a contract?

    Just curious, but did you ever let the breeder know that you were having these biting issues with Simba?

  • Exactly, if this dog is from Meisterhaus, have you contacted Tad? And talked to him about all the problems? and/or solutions? I would be very surprised if Tad doesn't take him back?….

  • I told Tad about his problems when they started a couple years ago. But have not talked to him lately. I am going to send him and email right now and let him know the situation. I thank all of you for your input on this, and will keep you updated on simba and our situation. thanks!

  • @simba's_mom:

    I told Tad about his problems when they started a couple years ago. But have not talked to him lately. I am going to send him and email right now and let him know the situation. I thank all of you for your input on this, and will keep you updated on simba and our situation. thanks!

    What did Tad say or recommend back then? Has he not touched base on how Simba was doing?

  • No he hasn't touched base on how simba is doing, he just reccommended working with him and taking him to obedience classes. He said give it time. we took him to obedience classes, i have tried working with him and he just keeps getting worse. We don't have the funds to higher a behaviorist, especially with a new baby. I am afraid one of these days he is going to really hurt someone. then who knows what will happen to him, i would hate to have to put him down for injuring someone.

  • Then he needs to go back to his breeder…. so glad to hear that you are contacting Tad

    Have you noticed anything else about his behavior? Have you been strip testing him for Fanconi?

  • Houston

    Sounds like you are doing what you can right now..just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you all..

  • Tad will help you… or take him back.... BUT you have to tell him you need serious help and yesterday.

    I will tell you, the last thing a breeder wants to do is read about the dog's issues online. BTDT.

    Hugs to Simba from Khani's dogs.

  • Just wanted to let everyone know that Tad is going to take simba.
    He's going to evaluate his behavior and find him the right home! I will be very sad to see him go but know its whats best for him! Thanks for all your help and i will keep you updated on simba!

  • Houston

    I am so glad that you spoke with Tad..I know you will miss Simba terribly, but in the long run this is the safest thing for you , your family and for Simba. My thoughts are with you..

  • Good to hear that there is another responsible breeder out there - glad you contacted Tad. Simba will find a good home. You've done the right thing.

  • I'm glad you contacted Tad. He will work out what's best for Simba. He's a great guy.

  • @tanza:

    Then he needs to go back to his breeder…. so glad to hear that you are contacting Tad

    Have you noticed anything else about his behavior? Have you been strip testing him for Fanconi?

    I'm glad that you have contacted the breeder and he is going to take him back. I'm sorry you have to give him up, I know it will be hard on you but it is the best choice for Simba.

    Pat I was going to ask the same thing look at Simba's pedigree on the database.

  • Well we are still in the process of trying to get simba back to tad. I don't have the time or money right now to make the 5 1/2 hour trip. He had a friend that would do it but i can't afford to pay her what she was asking. Does anyone have any suggestions? 😕

  • Is it possible for you and Tad to meet half way somewhere?

  • Perhaps a BUR run can be arranged where several people do smaller segments of the trip to get Simba to Tad.

  • First Basenji's

    Why is everyone trying to give advice without being able to see the situation in full context? Has anyone ever gone to U-tube and watched the B's being filmed? Most of the howling, sneezing, destroying looks like fustration, it is NOT funny. A tired Basenji is a Happy one. Exercise: physical and mental are the only way for ANY dog to expend pent up energy. The B in particular. If not able to expend it physically, they make their own games, destroying, aggression, etc. I could not comment on the biting nor give you any other advice other than to have a professional evaluate him and his surroundings. If you already feel in your heart you can not fulfill his needs, then maybe he needs a home without children or a place where he can exert himself in a more constructive and non-stressful way. So sorry to hear about you situation. Hoping the best for all!

  • Buddys Pal, I like your advice on the excersize thing. I agree totally with that. I have seen a method that works very well for stoping dogs from nipping or biting but, based upon some previous comments by another about the limited training that I know, I would rather not share it on this forum. I have also seen a dog that eventually had to be destroyed because she wouldn't stop biting. I didn't know much about training back then and was of the opinion that she had to be destroyed many years before she was. Now that I know a little more I must say that it may have been possible to save her but I still have my doubts. And yes, she was allowed to continue until she eventually bit a little girl on the face badly enough that it required stitches.

    Did Simba make it back to Tad yet? I hope all works out well here for everyone, best wishes.

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