Thanks for the info guys, really appreciate it, especially about the way AOM works, as it is totaally foreign to our show rings. It may happen at some breeds specialties, but that would be all π
BOS, Best black&white
Im sorry that he stands so awfull on the pics, i was to glad to stack him up..
so her is a better one!
The judge was Lisa Tyler
Congrats! What a fantastic result for you
I love the trotting pic, so attentive!
Yes, he as a amazing trot (i think.. hehe!)
another pic
Congratulations Cosmo! What a beautiful black and white.
Congratulations Cosmo!
Congratulations!!! I agree with Maya, he looks like he moves really well - nice reach & drive.
Thank you
He is so tired now! Has been sleeping non stop since we got home early this afternoon!
Bless his heart! After all that hard work in the ring I am sure he is thinking he is entitled to a little rest and relaxation. Congratulations on a very successful weekend!
Congrats! What a nice boy. I'm sure both you and Cosmo's breeder are very proud.
I haven't seen a best "color" competition over here at specialties, but the open classes are often divided by color. Usually the special competitions are best puppy or best BBE.
Go Cosmo!
Very nice, congrats Kaja and Cosmo..
Great pictures by the way.