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Lost Dog - Meridian, ID

Lost and Found Basenjis
  • Wonderful news..the best news I 've heard in a while..happy dance for her and for her puppies.

  • Spectacular news… so happy to hear this!

  • That's great! I'm so happy to hear that they have been reunited!

  • @lvoss:

    Little Red is back at the vet hospital and reunited with her pups.

    I'm so glad to read this. Hopefully nobody is worse for the absence.

  • Yes, lets hope mom and babies can bond again.
    I will let you know if I here anything else.

  • Great news!!!

  • Thank God for little miracles! I'm sure those puppies are busy scolding Mama, and Mama is happily licking those puppies with lovely basenji kisses. :) I love happy endings!

  • There was a person who had a b get out the same time this girl went missing.
    Well, sadly, a car got her. Sue didn't post it until Little Red was back as she didn't want to cause any concern.
    So, for all you folks who are ok with letting b's off leash, its all good until it isn't.
    I am not being judgemental I let my 2 off leash in Cannon Beach Or and we take the chance that they will not head off toward the road…I am just saying, if they are loose the are at risk...

  • In both the cases that happened this week, the dogs got loose,they did not run off while being off leash. Please work with your dogs to help teach them not to door dash. There are several things you can do to teach your dog that staying inside unless given permission is a great policy.

    One thing I do is to leash up my dogs open the door and if they dash out shut it so they can not go anywhere, they are on leash but they also are not inside enjoying the dog party that everyone who stayed inside got. Then I open the door they come in, I close the door and we have a dog party. Then I repeat until they see the open door and stay inside waiting for the dog party to start.

    When I have to open the door and my dogs are loose in the house, I toss kibble away from the door to help condition them to move away from an opening door instead of towards it.

    Ask for eye contact and use a release word for leaving the house, exiting the car, etc.

    Practice name response with your dog and heavily reward coming to their name so if they do get loose, you have a good chance of getting them to come when they hear their name.

    Practice Grab Me, Feed Me so if they do get loose they associate being grabbed at with a highly likelihood of being fed so they are more likely to be caught.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    There was a person who had a b get out the same time this girl went missing.
    Well, sadly, a car got her. Sue didn't post it until Little Red was back as she didn't want to cause any concern.
    So, for all you folks who are ok with letting b's off leash, its all good until it isn't.
    I am not being judgemental I let my 2 off leash in Cannon Beach Or and we take the chance that they will not head off toward the road…I am just saying, if they are loose the are at risk...

    This girl (that Sharron is referring to) didn't get loose from the house or from being on or off lead or door dashing. Also, her Dad is not on this forum. She climbed a kennel run. As we all know accidents happen. And I knew this girl personally as it was my C-Me's (and Chief's) mother, Paris. And she is related to many on this forum.

    And this is not the only one that I know of in the month of May that has had a run in with a car… thankfully for this boy, he will make it, but it was touch and go with two weeks in the ER Hospital, Emer surgery, two hip fractures, plus another fracture... and we will not even discuss the cost involved in putting this boy back together.

    Cars and Basenjis do not mix... never take it for granted that they will stay out of harms way... because they don't.... and it is bad enough when accidents happen...

  • Pat, I had no idea Paris was related to you by dog. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Pat, I had no idea Paris was related to you by dog. I am so very sorry for your loss.

    She was a very sweet bitch.. and she acutally lived here with me for a week, had my elders (had 4 at that time) been OK with a wild puppy, she would have stayed, but since they were really too set in their ways, I took her back to Jeff and we co-owned her while she was being shown.

    And I am very glad to hear that Little Red is back with her pups and is unhurt.

  • Yes, a dog getting home is always joyous. I just wish Rose Marie would tell us if the mom and puppies were able to bond.
    Kathy maybe you can find out if everyone is back to normal re dog and pups?

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