• Our boys are allowed to be where they want to be, they only not allowed on the couch or close to us…
    So they just search a place to lie down and reat a bit.
    Sometimes they lie down in their own crate.

  • Ours are loose, wherever they want to be. Sometimes if dinner smells really enticing, they'll hover around the table, but there's no table begging allowed and they know it.

    I have occasionally sneaked a bite or two to Jazz, but she knows not to expect it and not to ask for it. I never sneak a bit to Keoki from the table b/c, well, he's not Jazz and is a little less able to control his impulsive behavior, LOL

  • Ours are also loose at all time except when we leave the house. The basenjis lay down together on a little oriental run next to our breakfast bar and nap while we are eating at the bar. Scotty the whippet is another story. She is a nortorious counter surfer and will not stay off the counter unless crated. Fortunately she has gotten to where she jumps on the counter and sits patiently waiting for us to finish and giver her a bit of a treat.

  • We keep a squirt bottle on the table full of water. We had to use it often at first, now, when the dogs get too close to the table, we just show it to them..its funny, they shake, like they have been squirted, and move to the "approved" sitting area.
    It works and won't hurt them.

  • I agree squirt bottle works great, and they learn to respect it. We feed Tupper when we eat. That way he is engaged for the first five minutes of our meal.

  • All four of my dogs are loose while we eat, the three adults stay in another room unless they're called in for something…Zuni, well, she's all over us. We just calmly push her down, say OFF, and go back to eating...we're hoping she eventually gets it like the others did.

  • Lisa, I have seen photos of your whippet on the counter tops!

    My 3 are loose, they sit or lie under the table, sleeping or staring at my husband. Guess who slips food to them from the table? When we are done, I give them a bit of whatever we had, on plates or bowls, in the kitchen. They rarely actually beg unless we dawdle too long at the end of a meal. We do not, however, eat on the couch. They seem to think that food anyplace other than the table is fair game for them!

  • My B, Sahara will try to beg but she doesn't get fed from the table and she will try anyways, but then she gives up and lays down on her blanket on the couch. She is always good and goes away once we tell her to go lay down, or just "No" does the trick.

  • Sonny's has a thing for ice cream. he doesn't beg while I eat it but he rest his head on my knees and stares at me while I eat every bite. it can feel a little like being stalked! :p he knows when I'm done he can lick the bowl! 😃

  • lol, aww, sonny is adorable!

    We've been able to let Paco watch us eat a few times now. He'll still jump up and try to stick his nose in our food, but he hasn't bitten again when we move him away. I'm thinking maybe he knew he did something wrong that day when he bit me - or maybe nothing we've eaten since has smelled as good as sausage pizza. 🙂 Eventually, he does give up and watch, but he's always hoping for a nibble off our plate. If we can't finish, we sometimes put some in his food bowl.

  • Since Sonny joined the family three years ago its seems everyone has invested in a pub style table! my house, my parents & my brother. he can't reach so he doesn't even try. sometimes its just easier to out smart them! 😃

    The two things that just overwhelm sonny are cheese and steak…he'll do anything to try and get it and I swear he blocks me out and is lost in a trance! 😉

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