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Mealtime Behavior

Behavioral Issues
  • When the humans sit down for dinner, where are all of your B's at? Does everyone put them in a crate or another room? Ever since we got Paco, we've been able to let him in the room while we eat as long as he's already eaten. We back him away from us with our hands if he begins to beg too much, and otherwise ignore him. He usually gets the picture and is fine with just keeping us company.

    Today, though, I guess the smell of sausage pizza was too much for him. He bit me as I was moving him away as usual. He didn't break skin, but it left a mark and was much harder than his usual play nips. I immediately yelped, got up, and called his name for him to follow me to the balcony, and he stayed out there until we finished eating. I guess I might have to make that a regular practice now…I don't like feeding him in his crate because he simply overturns everything and makes a mess for me to clean, so maybe the food will go on the balcony from now on.

  • When the weather is cold and wet, I put my 2 bs in my bedroom and close the door. They won't go to my bedroom by themselves and definitely wouldn't stay there if I didn't close the door.

    When the weather is nice, they are told to go outside. For the most part, they do as they are told. Sometimes they need 1 or 2 reminders to stay outside.

  • I haven't had any issues with Kananga around meal time. He usually just sits and waits. If he tries to jump up I will push him back and tell him to "sit". He rarely challenges that request.

    Every dog will have a different personality when it comes to food I suppose.

  • With Ruby & Brando (both 5yo), I can sit on the couch and eat dinner and they both sit beside me and neither begs - doesn't matter what dinner is they leave me alone and don't even look at me or my food. They've never been successful with me. Lately though I've been having my dinner when they have their dinner (they are crated when they eat their dinner).

    The dogs with my brother…whole different story. He sets his plate down and they've managed to grab food so when he eats they are on him like white on rice.

    Liyah, well - she is a work in progress - she is still young - 15 months, but I have no doubts she'll get there eventually.

  • I'll put a different slant on things here. I'm currently the owner of 3 senior aged (15, 15 and 16) cats who are always around our dinner table when we eat. But I've trained them to stay back. So hopefully when I get my basenji I will be able to do the same :) Just wondering, had you ever fed your b's from the kitchen table before?

  • Zelda is… a dork still. Last night, my adult kids came over for our usual tuesday night dinner/visit. We got a kong all set up with deliciousness and that gave us time to get our plates filled :D

    If she manages to keep her feet on the floor, she can stay in the room, but that's definitely a beginning skill for her. And when we have pizza, she CANNOT handle the excitement yet. So she waits unhappily in her crate :(

    She'll get there. It sounds like Paco shares Zelda's love of sausage pizza. I really think Zelda believes that we order it for her.

  • Lol @ Zelda. She and Paco sound like they could have a pizza party.

    And Kipawa, no. We have a strict rule that Paco only gets fed in his food bowl in the kitchen…even if I decide to give him a bit of what we're eating, it's not out of my hand, but put in his bowl to eat. The only exception, of course, is while training with treats.

    He really had gotten really good at not begging. We even had guests last night and he didn't bother to test them with his cuteness. He'd sit and watch, but not beg. I think it was the pizza that set him off, that and he hadn't gotten real exercise for a couple of days and was antsy to begin with (fixed that today with a mile hike! :D) I think there will be some learning on my end on what foods set him off.

  • Our boys are allowed to be where they want to be, they only not allowed on the couch or close to us…
    So they just search a place to lie down and reat a bit.
    Sometimes they lie down in their own crate.

  • Ours are loose, wherever they want to be. Sometimes if dinner smells really enticing, they'll hover around the table, but there's no table begging allowed and they know it.

    I have occasionally sneaked a bite or two to Jazz, but she knows not to expect it and not to ask for it. I never sneak a bit to Keoki from the table b/c, well, he's not Jazz and is a little less able to control his impulsive behavior, LOL

  • Ours are also loose at all time except when we leave the house. The basenjis lay down together on a little oriental run next to our breakfast bar and nap while we are eating at the bar. Scotty the whippet is another story. She is a nortorious counter surfer and will not stay off the counter unless crated. Fortunately she has gotten to where she jumps on the counter and sits patiently waiting for us to finish and giver her a bit of a treat.

  • We keep a squirt bottle on the table full of water. We had to use it often at first, now, when the dogs get too close to the table, we just show it to them..its funny, they shake, like they have been squirted, and move to the "approved" sitting area.
    It works and won't hurt them.

  • I agree squirt bottle works great, and they learn to respect it. We feed Tupper when we eat. That way he is engaged for the first five minutes of our meal.

  • All four of my dogs are loose while we eat, the three adults stay in another room unless they're called in for something…Zuni, well, she's all over us. We just calmly push her down, say OFF, and go back to eating...we're hoping she eventually gets it like the others did.

  • Lisa, I have seen photos of your whippet on the counter tops!

    My 3 are loose, they sit or lie under the table, sleeping or staring at my husband. Guess who slips food to them from the table? When we are done, I give them a bit of whatever we had, on plates or bowls, in the kitchen. They rarely actually beg unless we dawdle too long at the end of a meal. We do not, however, eat on the couch. They seem to think that food anyplace other than the table is fair game for them!

  • My B, Sahara will try to beg but she doesn't get fed from the table and she will try anyways, but then she gives up and lays down on her blanket on the couch. She is always good and goes away once we tell her to go lay down, or just "No" does the trick.

  • Sonny's has a thing for ice cream. he doesn't beg while I eat it but he rest his head on my knees and stares at me while I eat every bite. it can feel a little like being stalked! :p he knows when I'm done he can lick the bowl! :D

  • lol, aww, sonny is adorable!

    We've been able to let Paco watch us eat a few times now. He'll still jump up and try to stick his nose in our food, but he hasn't bitten again when we move him away. I'm thinking maybe he knew he did something wrong that day when he bit me - or maybe nothing we've eaten since has smelled as good as sausage pizza. :) Eventually, he does give up and watch, but he's always hoping for a nibble off our plate. If we can't finish, we sometimes put some in his food bowl.

  • Since Sonny joined the family three years ago its seems everyone has invested in a pub style table! my house, my parents & my brother. he can't reach so he doesn't even try. sometimes its just easier to out smart them! :D

    The two things that just overwhelm sonny are cheese and steak…he'll do anything to try and get it and I swear he blocks me out and is lost in a trance! ;)

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    Behavioral Issues
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    10 Posts
    I can only comment on my experiences with Kipawa, my first basenji, who is just shy of 2 years old. @viv58: 1. OBS #1: they were only affectionate on their terms and didnt like to be petted or picked up.Is this more common than not. They wanted to be by you, but hands off for the most part. 2. OBS#2: Off the leash - they are unpredictable and may not come when called. Had some wild roaming experiences at the off-leash beach. Always kept treats -and 95% of the timeit worked.Can you train them to counter this? or is this a stretch ? 3. OBS#3: Not snuggly 4. OBS#4: Only looked me in the eye when I had food- everything was a distraction. 1. Kipawa is just an extremely affectionate dog. His affection for me is special, but he recognizes all family members and care aides who come into the house and enjoys their attention and gives it back. He loves being petted and adores being massaged, but has a preference for it being from someone in his 'pack' (family members and care aides). He will tolerate being picked up by anyone, but prefers it when I do it. He is a little uncomfortable when turned on his back, however, we practice this quite a bit and he's getting better at it, especially if tummy rubs are included. 2. The only areas Kipawa is off leash is in our backyard or dog parks that are fully fenced. For these places, he is predictable, because he is very used to them. He usually comes when called, but if it doesn't work, I carry the squeaker part of a squeaker toy with me, and that most always brings him back. If he needs to come to me based on an emergency situation (say he got onto a street by accident), I have a word/sound that I only use in emergency situations. He is excellent at responding to that. All this said, if he spotted a bunny in the dog park, I don't think the emergency recall would work. Based on his breeders seeing him this summer, they have indicated he has a very high prey drive. 3. Kipawa is super snuggly all the time and is also a 'velcro dog'. We are tightly bonded. He is on my lap when I watch TV, or at least laying against me. He sleeps under the blankets on my side of the bed. 4. He easily looks me in the eye. If I am talking to him, we have full eye contact. He enjoys when we give each other 'soft eyes' - the slow blinking a person/dog might do when fully relaxed or before settling down for a nap. If he is distracted (only happens outside) I use the command 'watch me' to get eye contact. Usually 95% success rate, but that would go down to zero should he see a bunny. I can't answer your other questions. Kipawa will be a solo dog in our home. As for the breeders, his breeders were Therese and Kevin Leimback (FoPaws Basenjis) from Washington state. We researched for a year before selecting them. Their breeding program concentrates a great deal on temperament. Hope this helps.
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    Behavioral Issues
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    Behavioral Issues
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    17 Posts
    @DebraDownSouth: Fran, there are times when I might mean to be condescending, but I assure you that it won't be "a little" or usually any question. That you could take my comment above as condescending… I can only suggest you may simply want to block my posts because it is entirely unlikely I will write 100 words to say what I said in under 20 because SOMEONE might see my observation as insulting. Now if I had said it condescending, such as: How could you THINK it could be that? Don't you think any dog living with females would already have reacted? How silly! The person threw out the idea of periods, which sometimes could be it .. and btw, pregnancy hormones set some dogs off… but it hit me he had lived with them too long for that to be probably. It wasn't an insult to the OP, just a response. People contradict my ideas daily on here, doesn't make them condescending or insulting. THEN, I could see it. I simply tossed out a quick response addressing that logically it probably wasn't that. If you read that as condescending instead of my own view, I am sorry. One helpful rule for forums is that you look at any post and see if there is another TONE than the one you ascribed. If there is, take the other. Like your post. I COULD think you are a jerk, not at all "friendly," addressing this here and hijacking the thread instead of sending me a private message. Instead, because I see you post a lot and like you :), I took it exactly at face value... you simply are expressing your view and trying to be helpful. So please remove any tones you might ascribe to the answer. The tone in my head is simply factual, that I am not responsible for your taking that as condescending and probably won't be able to stop you seeing other posts that way. Now if I actually say something you cannot take any way than as an insult, feel free to let me know. But the above... sorry, Fran, it was simply a logical observation. LOL, and in fact, let me now be "condescending" to my post. (I am joking while making a point.) SOMEONE (but it will be me, since it just hit me where I could easily be wrong...) could have responded to my post and said: Yeah, but dds, you are wrong because maybe she has an infection or urinary tract infection also with a period, that might do it. See? Debra, not a problem. Thank you.
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    Behavioral Issues
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    @LBRunyon: I have a supplementary question along these same lines . We got our BRAT Ricky two weeks ago ( YIPPEE!!!! ) He is WONDERFUL . The only problem we are having is that he WILL NOT potty in our fenced in yard . In fact , it seems he won't go within 1 block of our house . We walk in the am and pm . He is very particular about where he will go, though he sniffs every available surface . While the weather is nice , I really don't mind this . We would be walking anyway . But when the frigid cold hits , it would be nice to open the door and have him go out , do his business quickly , and return . We have tried waiting him out in hopes of praise and treats once he goes in the yard . But Mr. iron- bladder- steel- sphincter WON'T go in the yard. Are there any suggestions ?Oh , by the way, once we are out of the yard and down the street he goes after a few quick sniffs . I have to take my B outside no matter what. It's nice during the spring/summer/fall, but the midst of winter is just simply brutal. -20F with a nice wind (colder windchill) will make any B go quickly, but it's still painful for us humans.
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    Behavioral Issues
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