Litter planned for Fall 09 (I hope)
X-rays have been done. There are four definite, but I think one or two might be hiding. The way the puppies are placed, there seem to be quite a few open spots, but the two puppies are scrunched right together. Just a few more weeks and I'll know for sure!
Damisi looks beautiful and her coat is so glossy
I am glad to hear that all sounds good..can't wait for the baby news..and pictures too.
Just remember the 63 day estimate is from day ovulation so it can be earlier than 63 days if the first breeding happened after ovulation. Someone here in California just had a litter that they weren't expecting until maybe Wednesday by the breeding dates and the girl delivered Monday.
I hope she waits until at least Sunday or Monday to deliver if she's going to be early-gives them a better chance.
And the Bizarre keeps being Bizarre here at Dogo Habari. Remember earlier in the posting the Odd temperature. Well, it's still odd. Yesterday was 97.8 and today is 97.7. I guess she has a low base rate, maybe that is why she is so active all the time, to try to keep her temp up. I'm going to run another thyroid panel on her after she delivers. Maybe I'll run the more specialized test that I ran on Zina. Her values were all midrange, but you never know. I can see and feel the puppies moving now and am playing the waiting game. Now, she doesn't look big at all-definitely not for four puppies!
After I talked to the vet, it was up to 99.1, but it never went any higher than 99.5. The vet kept saying don't worry too much since she's active, eating, drinking and healthy. It hasn't dropped suddenly, just gradual until the 97.8, 97.9. My friend is on standby with her cell phone on all the time, so she's ready, the vet's ready (I talked to him on Monday when I did the x-ray-he said everything is on standby and if I need him he'll be ready as well) and I'm definitely ready. She's been moved into my bedroom, the whelping box is ready, I've got the shower curtain to protect my bed, baby blankets washed and ready, water bottles at the ready, hemostats are always sterile-just a waiting game now! Here are two pics from just about two minutes ago.
poor Damisi, she is huge..soon, it will be time soon.