I will definitely try the clips because I am afraid she will get out of her crate when I am not at home and will tear the house up. She constantly pushes her tray out of the bottom. Oh, and by the way, I am keeping my brothers boxer temporarily (Lady) and she is kept in her kennel during the day. I came home from work the other day to be greeted by Lady at the door barking like I was an intruder coming in. Once she saw it was me she got very happy, but she escaped from her kennel and pushed her tray out. Now I am going to have to get clips for her kennel. My brother says she is good at escaping, but has never gotten out of her kennel. Cali was still in her kennel, but she had her tray pushed out and had one of her locks open. Maybe the 2 of them were working hard all day to escape their kennels while I was at work.:)