They are also very clever at winning people over. My sis, who owns and loves chow chows, just didn't 'get' my excitement when I made plans to get a basenji. At the beginning, she thought Kipawa was cute, but she was still reserved with her feelings. However, she is totally in love with Kipawa now, and he loves her too. And she is now loving the breed itself. If she sees a good basenji picture somewhere, she will post it on facebook. Those basenji faces can just melt our hearts, and that is why the little buggers can get away with so much. 🙂
Did i ever show you my basenji puppy?
i went to and searched basenjis. i lots of funny stuff. i like the one called wide load where a woman becomes enamoured with a "chunky" basenji pup. there is one called dakota tribute that made me cry soo sweet.
I wish I could see this. My dial-up service is soooo slowwww! But the "chunky" basenji pup sounds like its a funny one. I have to try and remember to open this link up at work.