• Una my Friesian Horse

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    I will keep you updated!
  • Talk about bonding

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Amazing! What a great story. Thanks for posting this! Here's the link with her picture. http://www.greyhoundfriendsnj.org/info/display?PageID=6082
  • Check out this site and $$

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    5 Posts
    @wizard: A lot of people have been protesting against genetically engirneered crops - where's the protest against genetically engineered pets? A little different. People don't (hopefully) eat the genetically engineered pets.:D All kidding aside, IMHO, I do not think that GMO crops should be allowed in the food chain… Back on topic though...I sent this link to a friend of mine (has a LOT of money) telling her she needed the $27,000 cat. :D:D
  • Pug Show Photos

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    oooowwww I like her :D I have no idea about judging a pug, but the ears of the second pug (photo 10, I think with the three pugs)
  • LA Ink on YouTube - Basenji Tattoo

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    9 Posts
    As for a fan of the great dogs I saw the episode today here in Holland at tv. Didn't know about the forum but signed straight ahead. Love the clip you posted here ! Henk Holland.
  • Peeing in house and crate.

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    10 Posts
    Humans can get Fanconi. Here is an excerpt on Dr. Gonto and his progress. <<“The veterinary protocol is no more than the correct application of established, sound, scientific and accepted methods of human medical practice applied to veterinary use for this particular Syndrome,” stresses Dr. Gonto. A similar protocol is now being used in the treatment of the people version of Fanconi Syndrome, allowing its human victims to lead nearly normal lives as long as they take their supplementary nutrients, buffers, protein and water.>> So Dr. Gonto's protocol is also being used to treat the human form of the same Fanconi Strain!
  • The Pet

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  • So what did you do with your Basenji today?

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    14 Posts
    Sure! I have only worked with UKC at this point, but there are others out there. http://www.ukcdogs.com/WebSite.nsf/WebPages/DogWeightPull The dogs are divided into classes by weight. Placements are given out in each class, although they really don't matter much. The weight classes are 15 lbs apart for smaller dogs and 20 lb increments for big dogs. For example, the Basenjis bascially fall into the 30 lb class. (anything from 16 to 30.9 lbs) There are two ways to calculate placements, and it is decided ahead of time by the clubs holding the event. Format A is by most weight pulled. Format B is by most weight pulled per pound of body weight. It is calculated as a percentage. Most clubs do format A one day and format B the next. Also each day there is an overall winner for both the most weight pulled and most weight pulled per pound for all classes combined. I have seen everything from an American Bulldog to an Italian Greyhound win the most weight pulled per pound. :) All titles in UKC are earned by each dog's individual pulls compared to their own body weight. So classes and placements really don't matter, except for fun. There are 3 types of carts/surfaces to pull with, and each has their own point scale. Snow pulls are the hardest, so it doesn't take as much weight pulled in those events to earn the same amount of points as say a pull with a rail system. Wheeled cart pulls are inbetween, and the rail carts are the easiest to pull. Therefore it takes more weight to earn points. For example, a qualifying score for the first title takes only 3 times the body weight on snow to earn. It takes 7x the weight if its a wheel cart, and then 10x the weight on a rail track. Then to earn championship points after your first title, you only need to pull 5x body weight on snow, but you must pull 10x weight for wheels and 20x weight on rails! The more you pull the more points you earn, up to a max of 20 pts per event. Some titles can be earned by pulling on any of the surfaces. Other titles are for showing off versatility and the dog must earn so many points in two or all 3 of the surfaces to get them. There are 6 titles total you can earn. IWPA is another organization just for pulling, and they accept all breeds. I have never pulled with them however because the closest pulls in my region are over 3 hours away, up North. We have enough to do with everything else in the dog world that I don't need to make those kind of drives for this. lol http://www.iwpa.net/ APA is another one I just found this winter doing some googling. They have some pulls very close to home this summer so I am looking forward to going. I don't think they're a very big or influential organization to bother pulling with, at least for Basenjis, but will be nice to check it out. http://www.weightpull.com/ I think these are all the ones that will accept all breeds. Both IWPA and APA I think give points based on class placements, so I know they have some different formats than UKC. The only thing you really need is a custom fitted harness. It's an investment of about $50 -100 depending on who you go with and what you make of it. There are 3 harness makers that I've either used or know others personally who have, and they all do nice work and come highly recommended. Missy Kehler - The Working Canine (she's in the middle of redoing her site) http://www.theworkingcanine.com/ Harnesses By Carol http://harnessesbycarol.com/ CD Pits http://www.itsmysite.com/cdpits/ Most of these sites also have links to training articles, so search thoroughly. :) Our club got to host the "national" snow pull this year for UKC, organized by UNWPA. Here's a link to my little Roxie placing 4th in her class of 8, beating out 4 other Basenjis. This was only two weeks after her very first pulls. (And yes, there's more than one of us crazy Basenji people out here!) And two of those placing Staffies flew out from CA for this! lol Our lovely frigid below freezing MI temps were so welcoming. :) And check out our little racing friend BJ, the IG! http://www.unitednationalweightpullassociation.com/2009%20shows/UNWPAsnowpull2009.htm
  • Rainbow colored poop

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    That is so funny!
  • Removing dogs' baby teeth?

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    I believe the sharper front teeth are the pinchers and rippers, the back molars are for really chewing, with big surfaces for grinding. We humans don't usually chew with our front teeth either, we bite and move the food to the rear of our mouths for chewing.
  • Now I am seen it all Beer for Dogs!

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  • What type of fleece

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    12 Posts
    I had been giving Dallas a couple yards of regular fleece in his crate. He would shred them sometimes but I assumed he wasn't eating the fabric because I always find tons of little pieces everywhere. I thought that until this past Saturday… I was walking through the backyard & noticed a piece of his poop with a nice long piece of fleece wrapped around & in between it :eek: So, not only did he eat the fleece, but managed to poop it back out. I was actually glad to see it because I have heard that fabric can easily cause blockages, leading to major problems. Needless to say, I don't think I will be putting fleece in his crate again anytime soon.
  • Haily the Podenco

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    I love the pictures and I love the dogs. If I ever lose my last brain cell and decide I need a third dog, the Podenco/Ibizan hound will be at the top of my list. Pat
  • Apple Macbook users?

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    18 Posts
    @MarleyJo: Stop it!!! I am going to need Mac rehab if you keep describing the new products. I purposely dont visit the web site and delete any updates cuz I have no control when it comes to the new Mac stuff. (But I am thinking about the mini cuz it would go so well with the new plasma entertainment system) OOOH! There I go again! LOL and I'm so not good for you then cuz I had my Mini running off my bedroom tv a 46" LCD and I LOVED it. I say had though, now I just use it as my iTunes server LOL for my Apple TVs (yup that was plural, forgot to mention those earlier) one in the Liv-Rm and one in the Bd-Rm; and since you can screen share everything with Macs I don't need a monitor with the Mini. I also got a terabyte drive hooked up to it; and just bought a new one that I really didn't need but I really couldn't pass up the $120 sale on the MyBook terabyte drive. I mean really you don't come across tera drives that cheap that often, and I'm already running the MyBook drive and I really like
  • Podengo grande

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    17 Posts
    @dmcarty: There is I guess someone else in the WI area with 3 from Jean behl that wanted to know what was happening show wise. I would suggest you either get to my personal website - click on my user name and there should be a link - email me that way and I can see that your email gets added to the show attendence discussion. Thanks, I'll do that.
  • Translating

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Welcome back - and you have pictures of him now to share (hint hint)?
  • How cool is this flight attendant?

    0 Votes
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    Shaye's MomS
    Kewl, as my grandson would say.
  • Rats against Landmines

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    No one has replied
  • Our Horses

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Your horses are very cute. Do you do any events with them?
  • My Two ****atiels

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    They are lovely:D