God bless you, AJ's Human. Johnny Carson was late night. When he retired, I was done. And the ever popular 'Joe Friday', who, of the age, could not find him handsome, smart, and just a good guy overal?.
Keepers, owners, what have you, it is all about the humans involved. I have a "long" flexi - 20 ft.- that I use when walking in the park that my property abuts to, and I always pick up after my friend. In my jurisdiction I am completely legal but I have to deal with the fools thinking that a city park is the right place to (illegally) ride their dirt bikes. Pay no attention to the fact that they occasionally come into my yard and leave tracks. But I can be fined for not picking up after my friend? Sometimes I think we (humans) are idiots.
Sounds like you will be really busy later this summer/fall. I have seen pictures of the boats that people live on in the Netherlands - it looks like quite an interesting lifestyle. I assume your basenjis are fine with it. Good luck in finding your special cat.
:) There are two types of living on a boat :)
People that live on a boat that can't sail anymore. (they put it in a harbor and live there)
We live on a ship (we can't call it a boat :cool: ) that sails every day.
We load our ship with material (like corn or coils of steel) and sail untill we are at the place to unload.
We load the same weight that 40/45 trucks can load ;)
It's a weird lifestyle, every night we walk the doggies on a different spot and every day they meet new dogs and people.. And we are always at home with them.. that's a great thing!
Sorry, to keep bringing this up. I am good friends with artist's fiancee. They are getting married on the 18th of this month. It would be a great wedding gift if the comic got lots of support.
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They are trying to stay above the "Dreaded Line" so they get to at least show off their cover art in the publication. If they do really well, they may win a wild card spot in Round 4. Just staying safe from the "Dreaded Line" would be great.
Hachiko was a famous Akita immortalized for being supremely loyal to his owner, even after he died. I won't give away too much for fear of spoiling the story (though it's common lore amongst Japanese schoolchildren). There's a statue at the Shibuya station in Tokyo commemorating this faithful dog.
I haven't seen the American version, but I did see the Japanese version a while back. I'm kind of a sucker for animal movies, and the Japanese tend to churn out some rather amusing ones (Milo & Otis, anyone?). Kind of lukewarm about this one, though.
I used to play golf at Sunnyvale Municipal Golf Course across the freeway from Moffett Field and those planes would fly really low right over the course when they come in for landings.
:D:D:D LAUGH! snort! I just looked at the poster…and noticed the condition of the pants leg being pulled on by the B....:eek:
Look familiar, anyone???:D
[image: attachment_p_112454_0_ace_ventura_pet_detective.jpg]