My husband and i laugh histerically when he does this. Dh sometimes even joins in lol!

Wierd Behavior Question -
Violent lil girl!These suggestions all look awesome. The only thing i would add is try putting a tshirt you and your significant other have worn for a while. I would do this in her bed and in her crate it will help to soothe her and get her used to your scent. Its an old hunters trick for finding a lost dog but it works for anxiety as well.
Winter time play/exerciseI would suggest the Ruff Wear Climate Changer plus the Ruff Wear Quinzee maybe some boots if you can swing it. XS on both of the jackets.
Wierd Behavior QuestionHey everyone, I was wondering if anyone else had a basenji that puts their head under things (like a bed or dresser) and yodels their little head off. Indiana LOVES to do this and its so strange. He does it any old time but especially when he gets excited. He will sprint around the house and dive under the bed so just his head is covered and give a big yodel. Any ideas why? I know he is a freak, but seriously this is just strange!
Ears and GrowlingThanks for the link I do have one to add to the list. I call it the "silly little puppy". Sears. That's where you put one ear up and one out to the side wiggle your tail, dance in place, and growel. Still trying to get some footsge for you all.
Ears and GrowlingHas anyone had a basenji who xpresses their feelings with their ears? Lori our female can only make one noise, a growel, so she does that @ varying pitches and speeds while wiggling her ears. To the back means anxious, to he side is adventerous, about half way inbetween excited, etc. Anyone ever encountered this?
Gizmo brutally attacked by German Shepard (warning! a little blood in the pictures).Don't feel so bad. This happened to Indy and I cried, I blamed myself, I did everything and the next day he was fine. The only thing is he does not like other dogs near his head any more. He is going to be just fine, the both of you are. The best medicine here is going to be some family snuggling. Good luck.
How to win an argument…basenji styleNo unfortunately I was laughing too hard to get the camera. I wish I had gottwn the look of terror on indy's face when he realized lori was not going to calm down though
How to win an argument…basenji styleStep 1: wait for daddy to wrap your sister up in a blanket so she is folded in it
Step 2: wait for daddy to turn out the lights
Step 3: lay on the folds of the blanket so your sister is trapped and trying to eat your face
Step 4: don't move if you forget why refer to face eating section of step 3
QED argument won -
Shy SimonTo add to what tanzinia said. We trained both our pups to gunfire. We started by frrding in their crate with the door open. When the pup had a good rythem going we would tap lightly on the wall behind. If there was any reaction stop and wait for eating to resume. Repeat. We got to the point where a board ontop of the kennel could be slammed with a metal object without as much as aflinch. Now loud noises are no problem
Bu and ChafI love the last one with the toung sticking out
Puppy KindergardenWhen we took indy to puppy kindergarden he would yodel loudly any time the instructor talked…it was annoying. He performed every trick perfectly and was quiet as a mouse as long as the instructor was quiet.
Lori on the other hand was a little spaz. She wound her leash around the chair and wove it in and out of the legs untill she was stuck. Thenon the off leash portion zshe would walk around performing tricks till she got a treat from everyone. Sighs I love my pups.
Puppy KindergardenHow do I delete this?
Maverick and AidenThe answer is he will most definetly not grow out of it. Whe I met my husband I remember thinking. I hope he will love me that much some day…..seeing him and his dog together.
What best for puppy food?We have fed our B's
California Natural
Science Diet Sensitive Skin
EVOWe have so far found that EVO is the best food out there. As soon as the Bs adjusted to it we got better behavior, better energy, and better weights. My male was always too skiny he is now muscular and a good weight. Our female was always too hefty, she is now skinier and more active.
Hope ths helps. The transition will be hard….I did half a hand full at first for a pup that ate 3 cups a day. Go slow. Use Pepto Bismol if you have to (the pills not the liquid you will have a pink dog if you do)
Are B's good jogging partners?Our male and my husband go jogging all the time, he is a bit older than our female she is not ready yet. Not only is he a good joggging partner apparently he provides a certian level of motivation during the run as well.
I believe my husbands exact words (emulating Indy's sentiment) were "Hurry up fat man, I can run faster than this!!!!!" But they seem to have a good time.
First Time Showing HelpThank you so much for all the information I will be reading and rereading them before the show.
Before when we had indy shown it was by a very good independant handler but we have decided to try ourselves since she is 800mi away. I will definetly call the breeder though.
Please keep the suggestions coming!
Tanzina what is your favorite book
I need help naming my new basenji pup!!Lela- thats at least what she looks like to me
First Time Showing HelpHi Everyone, I have decided to show my male basneji by me self for the first time. He has been in the ring with our handler aobut five times and has won himself a point. Sooooo….what I need help with is EVERYTHING.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could provide any insight on any of the questions below:
(1) Where do I get a show lead? Which one do I need? What size?
(2) What are the things I should not do in the ring?
(3) Is there anything I need to do in the ring?
(4) I know you can bring treats in to bait the dog, but how often should I let my dog have the treat?
(5) I am sure I have missed a bunch of stuff so anyhting else you can tell me is greatly appreciated.Thanks
Basenji Growling & AggressionWe had that problem with ours. She even got the name Satan for awhile. The only thing we were able to do was train her with the command belly. This means lay down on your back and show me your belly.
She gets lots of treats and praise when ever she does this, but it is a way to control the situation when she gets grouchy. She also shows signs, wrinkling her lip and then growling. As soon as we see the wrinkled lip we immediately shout "BELLY" and she will roll over and get a belly rub. After that everyone is cool.
In order to do this though you have to start slow. Start with sit.
Then go to down. Down should be done from standng not from sitting.
After that do the belly thing.Your trainer should be able to help with all of this but thats a place to start.
Another thing we do is time out. It was no really a problem past the first few months but every once in a while we have a slip up. When she bites one of us its an immediate time out. We bring her to a corner, face her at the wall and make her sit and calm down. When this is being done I stand and guard her, I make sure our other basenji does not touch her AT ALL and no one else does either. Once she is calm I give the "FREE" command and she is allowed to walk away.
Good Luck