I am so sorry for your loss I was looking forward to adopting a Basenji after a loss af my last shar pei at 12+ but it never happened and I got a pup off Craigslist.. someone was trading her for kids toys and guess what she is a great dog, 7 m.o at this point. She is a German Shepherd...

Please pray & help me find another comfort doggie -
Lymphoma.There’s a lot of things that a holistic Vet can do to help. We actually wasted time with the surgery. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs were shrinking/healing tumors. If we would have started it earlier Vinnie might still be alive. She was happy and pain free till the very last days.
Lymphoma.I only had to deal with skin lymphoma. If that’s the case with your dog, let me know.
Dry skin and furI would agree, no weekly baths.
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.It’s been a while! Lexie is almost 6 m.o and 50+ pounds, doing great so far. Potty/leash/ crate training. Cats are adjusting well!)
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Just wanted to update everyone. We didn’t get a Basenji but we did adopted a puppy that someone posted on Craigslist looking to trade her for some kids toys which we have way too many. I thought it’s a joke at 1 st and my instinct was to get her off the CL before she ends in wrong hands. Well we ended with a nice pup, a beautiful long haired German Shepherd, we had her for 5 weeks now, she is sweet, friendly, gentle, doing awesome with potty/ leash/ crate training. Has’t destroyed anything yet in the house. 2 out of 3 cats are friendly with her, the last one is just being bossy. She plays with our Border Collie and it is so much easier to train her because she pretty much does everything that Fozz, the BC does. I guess we got lucky so far, knock on a wood, I am still surprised and still very skeptical though!)
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.I’ve only heard good things about Eldorado Basenjis.
I really don’t have a lot of pets any more, a dog, 3 cats and a parrot. -
Warning about grain free dog foodI was using Fromm for a while, but now mostly raw.. scraps from the table, leftovers just to make her eat , she is doing just fine
Allergic ReactionsYou would not know how much a holistic vet can help your dog with allergies till you try one, hopefully a good one.
I was dealing with a skin limphoma, my regular vet gave up on us after the 1 st surgery he had no ideas that those skin bumps can be healed without removing them. They can it’s like magic, just sprinkling some Chinese herbs on them made them shrink. -
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.I did reported it today, apparently there’s over 200 bear sightings in the area and they have some numbers to call, but it doesn’t sound like they can do that much.
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Karelian bear dogs, I think they had some kind of different name back there in Russia, some variety of Laika, my daughter really wants a husky and I really don’t want it!) Because I had a handler that used to show my Pei and a Dane and her mom is a show breeder, Husky's And she was telling me how hard it is, like she would get a Skiperkee or an Aussie or a Corgi... she moved away from her mom to NY, still a handler, showing dogs at Westminster.
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.We are in CT, surrounded by a game refuge... I would never let a dog outside if there’s a bear in the yard that climed the fence and it literally never happened until now.. it’s just that darn cub..
So the duck is at the mini farm now with a few friends, ducks and chicken, just got an update and pics this morning. I am so happy she is safe. I literally had to run on the porch in front of the darn bear yesterday, grab her, get her in, yell to my husband and son that he is in the back yard and the mom is next to the fence watching.
Thank goodness for Fozz, she actually warned us that there’s a bear in the back yard. We were all in the front yard and we saw it walking away and we were not sure where did it go because of the detached garage etc and i’ve heard her barking inside and run to check what’s going on and the bear was literally in my face next to the porch... -
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.I Love Chows!) Pei are not that hard when you know how to deal with their specific health issues. They are awesome and very protective of the kids.
In the last few days I am really considering getting some kind of Shepherd or Rotweiller.. it’s getting crazy here .. The bears mainly. I have videos.. not sure how to download them.. the bear showed up and Fozz, the Border Collie did her best to scare him away, as soon as he figured it out that there’s the fence, he came back. My husband had to jump into his truck and I thought it would scare him away.. year right.. he literally had to drive his truck into the woods to chase him away.. took 3 attempts
Next day I was at my daughter’s drama play at school the same bear climed over the fence and was going after a duck that was trying to hide on the porch underneath the table. Fozz and my husband scared him away but this time he didn’t came alone.. came with his mom.. twice the size, she didn’t do anything but was watching.. I was on the phone this morning and the darn thing the bear came back again.. I let Fozz out usually u tell her that there’s a bad bear and she would at least bark.. nope.. was just standing next to the fence staring at the bear... for some reason he just walked away.. because there was nothing in the trash bin for him to eat, I guess. -
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Well my BC was raised with Shar Pei so I don’t think there’s much left of a BC in her, she is useful now as far as running around the yard and scaring all the birds like hawks and such and the duck hangs out with her, other than that she is a couch potato even more than my Shar Pei used to be, at 14 y.o I have a video of my Shar Pei hearding the ducks!)
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Really!) it kind of getting into an argument and is kind of discouraging to even try to look further...
I had dogs for 35 years of my life, 16 years with Shar Pei, now Border Collie- not the easiests breeds to handle, just to mention a few... but so far we were doing just fine. I’ll keep looking and we are opened to some different breeds as well. -
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.I don’t know, it’s not like they are getting a lot of Basenji mixes. We’ll see how it goes. Just want to have a short summer vacation without any troubles at home.
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Nova has been adopted!((
Recalls/Ol Roy taken off the market (finally) Crappy food IMOGood grief! Why would someone still be feeding their dogs this crap!?
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.1 of our 2 ducks was killed last night by some creature the other one.. she was totally lost and confused but my daughter brought her to the tub she had a nice swim and has a great appetite and i’m looking at the options placing her or adopting another one.. they just don’t do well alone. Talking to ducks owners now..It was crazy last couple of days, crows, hawks, bears..
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.The problem is our cats love dogs, they’ll probably be all over her... that’s what they did with the shar pei and Dane and now with Fozz, so it probably will be clear during meet and greet.