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Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.

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  • I had a Border Collie for 15 years. He was a farm dog, not a house dog. I had Basenjis in the house. These breeds are polar opposites. A good Border Collie (and there are a lot of not so good ones out there) will do anything for you if they can figure out what you want. No treats required. My boy would work his heart out for me and be ecstatic if I praised him. He wasn't the slightest bit interested in food if there was work to be done. OTOH, my Basenjis were all about "what's in it for me?" If whatever I wanted wasn't interesting or rewarding to them they would ignore me if they could. They are endearing little charmers (and they know it!), but their attitude is more cat than dog. Smart, hell yes! Obedient, not so much. They are, however, up for a challenge, and if you can engage their minds they will surprise you with what they can learn.

  • Well my BC was raised with Shar Pei so I don’t think there’s much left of a BC in her, she is useful now as far as running around the yard and scaring all the birds like hawks and such and the duck hangs out with her, other than that she is a couch potato even more than my Shar Pei used to be, at 14 y.o I have a video of my Shar Pei hearding the ducks!)

  • @elbrant said in Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.:

    @debradownsouth It's like you don't think about what you write.... I state that my "Local Animal Shelters do not post on Petfinder, they post on PetHarbor"... and you twist it around trying to claim -- wait, what is your point here? You're all over the place. Little of what you say makes any sense at all, except your attempts to appear educated. Exactly what was it about a link to PetHarbor that got you so excited in the first place?

    I twisted nothing. I took all your misinformation and provided more accurate info. My point was to help anyone who took your post as factual from writing off Petfinder and possibly missing the perfect dog. To that, as usual, you become unhinged at me disagreeing and turn it into a personal attack. The only excited person has been you. It gets old.

    You don’t know what every local animal shelter thinks. You claim that they
    ::consider Petfinder to be an unreliable, often outdated, source. ::
    Except the things you mention, only as good as the person inputting, etc seems a bit silly when PetHarbor takes listings from "shelter, SPCA, Humane Society, county or city Animal Control, and many private animal-welfare organizations" and individuals.. and honestly states “PetHarbor make no assertions about the availability, behavior or condition of any animal.”
    Your demeaning comment about Petfinder helps "a drop in the bucket" when they list 315,000 pets.
    I didn't attack you. I didn't attack PetHarbor. I simply tried to show that your negativity about Petfinder is more about your personal views than actual facts. That a company listing 315,000 pets a year is a valid source. That people should use all available sources.

  • @debradownsouth you are so exhausting. I did not attack Petfinder. I relayed what I was told by my local Animal Shelter. There was no "misinformation" requiring your clarification. There was no "negativity". Nor were there any perceived assumptions that websites are legally responsible for information contributed by the public. Get a grip, you are the only one spitting venom. I"m done with you.

  • @elbrant said in Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.:

    @debradownsouth you are so exhausting. I did not attack Petfinder. I relayed what I was told by my local Animal Shelter. There was no "misinformation" requiring your clarification. There was no "negativity". Nor were there any perceived assumptions that websites are legally responsible for information contributed by the public. Get a grip, you are the only one spitting venom. I"m done with you.

    Anyone wanting to scroll up can read your comments. As well as your misinformation and my clarification. You are the one saying Petfinders is outdated and unreliable, so I suspect even you comprehend my pointing out the same is true with Safeharbor. I have a grip. And I do it without "spitting venom" and personal attacks.

  • @reddie said in Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.:

    Really!) it kind of getting into an argument and is kind of discouraging to even try to look further...
    I had dogs for 35 years of my life, 16 years with Shar Pei, now Border Collie- not the easiests breeds to handle, just to mention a few... but so far we were doing just fine. I’ll keep looking and we are opened to some different breeds as well.

    I never imagined myself with anything but BIG dogs, specifically Rottweilers and Chows. Then I got my first basenji for my daughter and I was hooked. THEN because of our very dog aggressive basenji, we ended up with a Samoyed. Totally hooked also. Every breed has it's gifts. I've found breeds I couldn't live with, but some that enchant me. I'm too old to start with a new breed, but I hope if there's reincarnation I get to own another 6 or so breeds.

    LOL on Shar Pei. I'm so old I remember before DNA proved they were a distinct breed and Chow and Pei folk fought which breed the other came from... I was at Un. Penn vet hospital and a woman was there with a young Shar Pei. I asked her if they were as bad as I'd heard. She looked at my chow and said "Yes, about the same as Chows." And we both nodded knowingly and began to compare traits, look at each other's dogs' tongues. Dog people are a strange group. :)

    If you can handle Border Collies and Shar Peis, you'll be fine with basenjis.

  • I Love Chows!) Pei are not that hard when you know how to deal with their specific health issues. They are awesome and very protective of the kids.
    In the last few days I am really considering getting some kind of Shepherd or Rotweiller.. it’s getting crazy here .. The bears mainly. I have videos.. not sure how to download them.. the bear showed up and Fozz, the Border Collie did her best to scare him away, as soon as he figured it out that there’s the fence, he came back. My husband had to jump into his truck and I thought it would scare him away.. year right.. he literally had to drive his truck into the woods to chase him away.. took 3 attempts
    Next day I was at my daughter’s drama play at school the same bear climed over the fence and was going after a duck that was trying to hide on the porch underneath the table. Fozz and my husband scared him away but this time he didn’t came alone.. came with his mom.. twice the size, she didn’t do anything but was watching.. I was on the phone this morning and the darn thing the bear came back again.. I let Fozz out usually u tell her that there’s a bad bear and she would at least bark.. nope.. was just standing next to the fence staring at the bear... for some reason he just walked away.. because there was nothing in the trash bin for him to eat, I guess.

  • No dog is going to stop a bear, and attempts often end up with mangled or dead dogs. Some bears will run from ANY size of a dog barking, but they can quickly lose fear. I don't know where you live, but that bear and mom are a danger and some places will have wildlife authorities capture and relocate or euthanized. Sending a dog out to possibly be killed isn't an option I'd ever choose. Just having my Rotties bark provided serious security, but after the barking, it was my job to call the police or take measures to get rid of intruders.

    A bear that isn't even that impressed with a truck will see any size of a dog as a chew toy. A pack of dogs is better, but really, call local wildlife and get help.

  • We are in CT, surrounded by a game refuge... I would never let a dog outside if there’s a bear in the yard that climed the fence and it literally never happened until now.. it’s just that darn cub..
    So the duck is at the mini farm now with a few friends, ducks and chicken, just got an update and pics this morning. I am so happy she is safe. I literally had to run on the porch in front of the darn bear yesterday, grab her, get her in, yell to my husband and son that he is in the back yard and the mom is next to the fence watching.
    Thank goodness for Fozz, she actually warned us that there’s a bear in the back yard. We were all in the front yard and we saw it walking away and we were not sure where did it go because of the detached garage etc and i’ve heard her barking inside and run to check what’s going on and the bear was literally in my face next to the porch...

  • Karelian bear dogs, I think they had some kind of different name back there in Russia, some variety of Laika, my daughter really wants a husky and I really don’t want it!) Because I had a handler that used to show my Pei and a Dane and her mom is a show breeder, Husky's And she was telling me how hard it is, like she would get a Skiperkee or an Aussie or a Corgi... she moved away from her mom to NY, still a handler, showing dogs at Westminster.

  • I did reported it today, apparently there’s over 200 bear sightings in the area and they have some numbers to call, but it doesn’t sound like they can do that much.

  • @reddie we don't have a pet menagerie like you do, but we did get 2 older dogs from Eldorado Basenjis. They spent time with us getting to know us and our situation, at the time we had a 14 1/2 y/o male who had just lost his sister and was simply lost. They did a fabulous job matching us with a former show dog who was 8, she's now 15 1/2. And when our male passed at 16, and I was inconsolable, I called them, and again they had the perfect match for us. They did their job, and very well, they take back their dogs if it doesn't work out, but part of their job is making sure that the right dog goes to the right home. Basenjis aren't easy, if they were, everyone would have them, but if you ARE a basenji person and you make THAT basenji connection, you're hooked for life! You have to have a sense of humor when owning a basenji, it's a must, just saying...

  • I’ve only heard good things about Eldorado Basenjis.
    I really don’t have a lot of pets any more, a dog, 3 cats and a parrot.

  • Just wanted to update everyone. We didn’t get a Basenji but we did adopted a puppy that someone posted on Craigslist looking to trade her for some kids toys which we have way too many. I thought it’s a joke at 1 st and my instinct was to get her off the CL before she ends in wrong hands. Well we ended with a nice pup, a beautiful long haired German Shepherd, we had her for 5 weeks now, she is sweet, friendly, gentle, doing awesome with potty/ leash/ crate training. Has’t destroyed anything yet in the house. 2 out of 3 cats are friendly with her, the last one is just being bossy. She plays with our Border Collie and it is so much easier to train her because she pretty much does everything that Fozz, the BC does. I guess we got lucky so far, knock on a wood, I am still surprised and still very skeptical though!)

  • Well done for giving that puppy a home ! You are both very lucky by the sound of it ! Long may it last. Good luck !

  • It’s been a while! Lexie is almost 6 m.o and 50+ pounds, doing great so far. Potty/leash/ crate training. Cats are adjusting well!)

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