Scary stuff! We've reportedly had a couple of cases up here but I noticed that there seemed to be a cluster of cases in the South Wales area. Very worrying 😕

Alabama Rot -
Looking for Basenji Pup (UK)@DebraDownSouth
Really??? I don't know where you are getting your misinformation from. You seem to know who I am but continue to hide behind your moniker.
The stud dogs I used ARE health tested and as far as I am aware Champdogs is a reputable website.
May I suggest that you check your facts yet AGAIN and retract your libelous comments. -
Looking for Basenji Pup (UK)@DebraDownSouth
I don't understand why you are being so hostile! There was no PRA test for Elsa when I showed or bred from her but was tested for Fanconi and PPM. Yes, I still show and if you look more closely at my page you will see that Freya has been tested for PRA, PPM, Fanconi and hip scored. She also had a thyroid panel done before being bred from. Zola has not yet been bred from as she is too young so has not had all her tests done yet but has been hip scored and PRA tested. Two of my dogs have only just turned one year so have been too young to hip score thus far. I do my health testing in stages, as I decide to breed from them...or not.
Have you checked the Zande database to see what I have bred or which of my dogs have been used at stud? Or even checked on the Champdogs website to see if my boys are listed as stud dogs?
Unfortunately, many puppy farmers are KC listed here in the UK and have their puppies registered, so I'm afraid your argument falls flat on its face. Sadly, the UK KC requires NO mandatory health testing of Basenjis or even recognizes the testing that we do, so maybe you should check your facts or ask before accusing people of being rubbish breeders. -
Looking for Basenji Pup (UK)I am a member of Champdogs and any health tests listed on the Champdogs website have to be verified and backed up with the necessary paperwork. All of my health tests are listed. I am in no way a puppy farmer or a BYB!
You can only list health tests if you are a paid up member. Breeders may be listed for free but only only have their own pages if they are a paid up members...this does NOT mean that they don't health test! -
A good week…Hi Everyone, I know, I haven't been on here for a while.
We have had such a good week! Rocco has officially been awarded his Show Certificate Of Merit :D and we also found out that Elsa is in whelp :D :D YAY! -
Malaika in the snowGreat pictures Shelley.x
11 yr old in Tucson needs a home!Hope he finds a new home soon - very sad.
In Season Already!!I've a feeling Madam is going to come into season soon. Rocco is doing that chomping thing and tempers are getting a bit short :eek:. Never had an entire male before, so this is a bit scary (he was too young really to realise what was going on last year).
Poppy Res CC at BournemouthWell done you two! Very well deserved.x
Malaika wins a firstWELL DONE YOU TWO!!xx :D
Just be careful, you might get bitten by the showing bug, lol! ;)
She is beautiful Shelley. I hope you are still bringing her on Sunday.
Uncle Rocco sends lots of licks.xx -
Congratulations Victoria and Rocco!!Congratulations Victoria and Rocco on your RCC at the East of England, you must be thrilled. You?re on a roll!
Thanks Steve :D,
We're bound to hit a trough soon though! lol.x -
Congratulations Victoria and Rocco!!Yes, and his mum of course!x
It's so special when you have bred them yourself isn't it.
Alan Seymour took some lovely piccies for us, so he'll be in Our Dogs next week. -
Congratulations Victoria and Rocco!!Thanks for starting a thread for me Maya.x
Rocco is having a very good week. He was runner up in the Petplan Junior Stakes at Blackpool and now BOB at Windsor! :D
It's the first 'CC' I have ever won, so we truly did it in style and what a fantastic show to do it at. It was a very special day shared with some special people. Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. It's a day I will never forget.x
RoccoHi Everyone!
I know that I haven't been on here for a while, but I have some news.
Rocco went Reserve Best in Show at the weekend!! He actually managed to behave himself for once (just) ;). I'm so proud of my boy. He's earned his keep for another week, lol! -
Pics of Malaika:) Aaawwww…... Shelley, she's adorable!
Best in Show:D Congratulations You Two. x
NestingIs this a basenji thing or have i just got a weird one?
QUOTE]I must have the weird ones because mine don't do it. Although I do think they are trying to dig to Australia sometimes. :rolleyes:
Hound of the Year competitionThats fantastic, congrats for both sets of results!
It seems that all of the Hound Shows are the other end of the country, we have yet to get to one in all the time i've had Maya :(
Thanks Jess, yes, we're quite lucky round here that way. I have Border Counties Hound too and there seems to be a few in Scotland. LOL, you just get all the breed club shows instead! :p x
Hound of the Year competitionThat's great, many congrats!
Do you have a pic of Rocco?There were some pics taken, so I will get my hands on one asap. ;)
Hound of the Year competitionI am so proud of my boy Rocco. He followed in his mothers footsteps today and became Reserve Hound Puppy of the Year 2009 at Tyne, Wear and Tees Hound Association Hound Of The Year Competition.
Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, lol! :rolleyes:
While I'm on the subject, he came 4th in the Junior Stakes and 4th in the Special Beginners Stakes at Manchester Champ Show on Thursday too :D.