Well...that's our job. As caretakers and protectors of our breed. We will not ever be supportive of someone who has the attitude you do. So, you will never meet anyone who really loves dogs who says 'oh, you decided not to spay and neuter your pets, and then didn't pay attention when the bitch was in heat, and now want to have a litter to give out to your friends and relatives...that is GREAT' It won't happen. People who love, and care about dogs don't want to see more unplanned breeding.
If you came here looking for support, I guess this isn't the place for that. Maybe you could find an irresponsible backyard breeder forum somewhere.
what attitude do i have? everyone is attacking us.
and if we're so irresponisble, why are we caring for them, researching, taking them to the vet, and everything. explain that. another thing i wanna confirm is that our vet told us that we'd have to wait till olimar was six months to get him neutered. he's not of age yet, so how are we irresponsible for not getting him neutered yet? but since we found out how much we love basenji's we wanted to get a female and have a liter. due to the fact that our family members want them and we want some more. after that we were planning to get him neutured. the comment about not neutering him was out of anger and i'm sure that if you were also attacked in the way we were you'd say things like that too.
but i bet now you guys are gonna get on my case about how we shouldn't even make a liter. so i'm ready, start the bashing.
ps. the female is a jack russell terrier. i'll take a look at their illnesses right after this, thank you.
by the way we know we aren't as "knowledgable" as all you guys are. so isn't this what these forums are for? isn't is so that newbies like us can get some positive insight into what we are so interested in from people who do know? thats exactly why we are on this forum everyday trying to do more and more research about the puppy we love. you all were newbies at one point too. so imagine hearing that your an irresponsible owner when you're trying to ask people to help you in a postive way. i'm sure that would get you upset as well. we know we're gonna make mistakes as first time owners, but it'd be nice to hear the Pro's telling us what we're doing wrong in a postive and helpful way.
oh and another thing... send me the forum link for that irresponsible backyard breeders, sounds like just the place for me. maybe i can find a forum for you that would be best for you, but i'll keep those words to myself. i'll be "responsible" enough to not display it on this forum.
thankyou so much for your help :)