Hi all. I do this so seldom I never know what I'm doing. I hope the photo comes up!

Binti playing with Garth, her best friend. -
Respect!Oh! if that isn't ever cute!! Both the tongues out!!! I have a Binti, too.
Watson is…You have the best possible combination!!! I hope someday–-after the human kids are on their way-- to have the same pair. They are beautiful!
Introducing "Hubble"Oh! He's just beautiful!! I had a huge GSD 30 some odd years ago named Hubble and he was a great dog. Good name.
Into the woodsI am always excited when I see you have sent photos. Thank you for sharing them online for all of us to see and enjoy. Ryan is sure growing!!! And Enya is adorable beyond words!
Curly-tailed Brigade on snow duty…You have my two favorite breeds! Love the photos. Thanks.
Men in BlackPlease keep the photos coming!!!! :o)
Hello from Mississippi!Callaway is a fantastic name!!!!! Can't wait to see photos!
Anyone ever buy a puppy from Hilltop Meadows in Caldwell TXVickay–-I am also glad to hear about your decision. I wish that I had found this forum BEFORE I bought Binti. I know the others would have steered me into a much better decision. I did not realize all the other breeds Candyce was breeding and was sorry when I realized that I had, indeed, supported a puppy mill type operation. Good for you!!! And I will do better next time. Have fun with your puppy when you get him/her!!
Anyone ever buy a puppy from Hilltop Meadows in Caldwell TXHi Vickay, and welcome. Yes, I bought a basenji puppy from Candyce last February. She was a pleasant person, and eventually did send me AKC papers for my puppy. I had no idea how much I would LOVE this breed and I wish that I had bought from a reputable basenji breeder who only breeds dogs tested negative for eyes and knees and hips, etc. I think what everybody has written so far is accurate. I think she is not devoted to the breed. I think she is in it to make money. Fortunately, when I tested Binti she was Probable Clear for fanconi. I have not sent in the $50. for the new test yet to prove absolutely that she is clear. All that said, Binti was well socialized when she arrived, and clean and so far is a very healthy dog. (But, like Tanza said, many of the basenji problems arise after one year old.) She was a little snarky at first, but my behavior contributed greatly to that. She is my first basenji and I did not understand how dominant they can be. Once we established (firmly but gently) that she was not in charge, all has been well. I took her to get spayed two weeks ago and the attendant greeted her cautiously and then said with a surprised voice, "Oh! She's friendly!" And I said, "Well, of course! She loves everybody," to which she responded that most of the basenjis she meets are NOT friendly. I am just adding this to say it appears she has a good temperament. So, for a backyard bred dog, I think I'm very lucky. I also think she is a fairly decent looking dog. She is almost square and weighs 20 pounds. I have children aged 11 and 14, and the 11 year old can be pretty boisterous. This never seems to bother her at all, she has never been aggressive in the least (except in the beginning when we tried to move her when she was sleeping and she would growl–which she does not do anymore!). She is one years old right now. Just thought you'd like to hear my experience. Next time I will do my research and purchase from a real basenji breeder. But I am grateful that Binti is the good little dog she is and that we love her so much. Good luck on whatever decision you make.
The Canine Genetic TreeThank youfor posting this link. I will LOVE reading it!
Puppies are one week old!Can't wait to find out which one is yours!!!:)
Malaika and KwameThanks for these photos. My kids and I got a big kick out of them. Poor Kwame!!!!!!
Basenji in Dog Fancy magazine January 2012 issueMost and many imported bitches from the Southern Hemisphere to the US have kept their southern cycles
I guess that's why I see some summer puppies. And do Basenji's get a thicker coat in the winter time where it is really cold? Is that why the coat on the 'DogFancy' photo is longer and fuzzy? It looks as if all the hair on the dog is the same length of hair as what Binti has only on her tail.
Basenji in Dog Fancy magazine January 2012 issueIn the Southern Hemisphere basenji puppies are born in June, their winter.
I didn't know that! How very curious! It's amazing that they have switched around. What a fascinating breed! I just had Binti spayed, so I won't be encountering heat cycles anyway, but it is interesting. Thanks for the reply.
Basenji in Dog Fancy magazine January 2012 issueDog Fancy magazine is featuring the basenji on page 46 of their January 2012 issue. The photo on the title page shows a furryish basenji!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a photo of a basenji with that kind of coat!!???
Also, in the 'good to know' section, Julie Jones is quoted as saying in response to why the puppies are born in the winter, "The speculation is that puppies are born in cool weather because high heat might be too harsh for the newborns." But, in the Southern Hemisphere, isn't our winter their summer?!
Just curious.
For the Love of MudYou must be a GREAT dog lover!!! Two hours of play AND full of mud!! I hope you can walk to and fro rather than loding his lovely muddy self into a vehicle!! Thanks for the photos.:)
So sweetHow very sweet, Anne. Binti likes to drape herself all over us. It gets hot in the summer!! But, it should be great in the winter.:)
Found: Basenji printsI should have included this in my first post.
Do they have a bamboo type frame around them?
Gee, I don't know. I just went and looked at the frames. Actually they could be bamboo. They are very hard and dense, so hard I thought they were a colored plastic. But there is a grain, and whoever framed them had them framed with non-glare glass. I would think if they had them framed by a frame shop and used non-glare glass, they wouldn't use plastic frames. Does it mean anything if the frame is bamboo? Only one of the four is signed. And the signature is so faded that I couldn't make it out until CongoMama told me who had done them.
Found: Basenji printsThank you for appreciating the prints. My son is eager to have them hang in his room, so we will most likely keep them.:) Thanks, though.@krunzer:
Wow those pics are absolutely beautiful!!! If you are looking at possibly selling them I would definately be interested in one of them. Congrats on your find!