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Anyone ever buy a puppy from Hilltop Meadows in Caldwell TX

Breeder Talk
  • Before you buy a puppy from a breeder please consider adopting one from BRAT.. there's SO many that need homes. You can get a puppy/young Basenji from them that's been tested/already vetted/etc.

  • Buy from a reputable breeder. Do a lot research on that breeder and I think you did a good thing on asking what other people here think of that breeder. Make sure all of the health testing is done and make sure you check it out for yourself. If you are thinking of possilby adopting look into BRAT as well. They can match and place personalities of the dogs to your specific needs, find one that is suitable for your family. I know that pups are being born and this is the time to get one, but do not rush into this. Be willing to wait for something from someone you can trust. Hope this helps.

  • @vickayx:

    I asked her about the testing. She tested the parents and they are free of it. Also the puppies get a swab test.

    Ask her for the link to their health tests in the OFA database (which is public) or the names so that you can look up the test results for yourself. She shouldn't be offended that you want to check for yourself. Absolutely NOTHING is coming up when I check for "hilltop" + Basenji, but maybe she has it under another name.

    There are lots and lots of red flags with this breeder. If you search for her name, her phone number, and her e-mail address, you'll find that she has bred SO many breeds: Shelties, Dachshunds, English Bulldogs, Chinese Cresteds, Papillon… Frankly, I've lost count. It appears that she got her Basenjis from Shemax -- if you do a search, you'll find lots of information about them on this forum, as well.

    I would back out of this deal and try to find something closer. I thought there were lots of good Basenji breeders and clubs on the East Coast? There's certainly no shortage of BRAT rescues, from what I've seen!

    Aside from the BCOA website (, here's a useful link to help you in your search, as well:

  • It really sucks because I was so set on getting this puppy soon. I will contact her for more information so I can have more piece of mind. I will continue researching about her and other breeders. I am extremely appreciate for the help you guys have given me it is so nice to take ur time out to do this. I just want a healthy dog to live. One question though, is it a super high chance that all these health problems will be prevalent with the dogs if she says she has SOOOO many references. Wouldn't she be ashamed to give up the names but i will def ask her if she keeps in touch with the owners she sold too.

  • There are some reputable breeders in n?e England, to that I can certainly attest. However, with that being said, new England is also not known for being "cheap"… Which to be honest isn't that expensive across the board. A pup around here usually costs approximate. 1000$
    Price should be the smallest consideration when
    Purchasing a basenji, IMO there are so many other concerns that take precedence

  • Also just saying, which is rather crappy of me saying, but I look at the big picture I guess. If this dog is bought by someone else n they do not like it and give it up for adoption I could be the one adopting it.. right? Just saying its a crazy cycle if you think about it. Unfortunately its not a perfect world. I do not want to be supporting a puppy mill but in some way this dog will need a home other wise will be in a shelter or other.. I do not want anyone thinking I am taking the VERY HELPFUL info they've been giving me and being useless with it because its not true. I was just curious what others may feel about this thought. I am doing more and more research to pick the right choice.

  • And yes, it is very easy some,most of these dogs could develop health issues and not tell the breeder, not attribute those problems to neglectful breeding,l. Not to mention most health problems in basenjis are late onset therefore the dogs shes bred may not show health issues yet.
    The point I'm trying to make is that you don't weigh the chances this dog could turn out healthy, it's about making the right decision not to take such risks.

  • What does it mean that she got her dogs from Shemax just wondering?

  • Also she said she micro-chips her dogs so she can have a record of them and the owners and their info so I'm not sure how to take that info into use.

  • Hi Vickay, and welcome. Yes, I bought a basenji puppy from Candyce last February. She was a pleasant person, and eventually did send me AKC papers for my puppy. I had no idea how much I would LOVE this breed and I wish that I had bought from a reputable basenji breeder who only breeds dogs tested negative for eyes and knees and hips, etc. I think what everybody has written so far is accurate. I think she is not devoted to the breed. I think she is in it to make money. Fortunately, when I tested Binti she was Probable Clear for fanconi. I have not sent in the $50. for the new test yet to prove absolutely that she is clear. All that said, Binti was well socialized when she arrived, and clean and so far is a very healthy dog. (But, like Tanza said, many of the basenji problems arise after one year old.) She was a little snarky at first, but my behavior contributed greatly to that. She is my first basenji and I did not understand how dominant they can be. Once we established (firmly but gently) that she was not in charge, all has been well. I took her to get spayed two weeks ago and the attendant greeted her cautiously and then said with a surprised voice, "Oh! She's friendly!" And I said, "Well, of course! She loves everybody," to which she responded that most of the basenjis she meets are NOT friendly. I am just adding this to say it appears she has a good temperament. So, for a backyard bred dog, I think I'm very lucky. I also think she is a fairly decent looking dog. She is almost square and weighs 20 pounds. I have children aged 11 and 14, and the 11 year old can be pretty boisterous. This never seems to bother her at all, she has never been aggressive in the least (except in the beginning when we tried to move her when she was sleeping and she would growl–which she does not do anymore!). She is one years old right now. Just thought you'd like to hear my experience. Next time I will do my research and purchase from a real basenji breeder. But I am grateful that Binti is the good little dog she is and that we love her so much. Good luck on whatever decision you make.

  • I know it sucks to derail your plans, because a new puppy is something to be incredibly excited about. But you will be excited, no matter when your puppy arrives, and more importantly, you would have the life-long assurance of a good breeder and the knowledge that you did the right thing if you go with an ethical breeder.

    I also understand the conflict about wondering if you don't buy her dog, maybe the next person who is not as well prepared and not as loving will screw it up. I don't know if this article answers any questions, but it might be a start.

    When I was searching online for more information that I could offer you about this breeder, I came across a public announcement from Shemax (Sheila Maxwell) that said, "WE ARE GOING TO SELL OUR BASENJIS TO CANDYCE WITTE OF CALDWELL, TX. SHE'LL FURNISH YOU WITH THE SAME PUPPIES AND SERVICE THAT WE WOULD WE ARE HAVING TO QUIT DUE TO HEALTH REASONS" (apologies for the caps – I just cut and pasted). The name rung a bell with me as several forum members have had negative experiences with that breeder's practices in the past. So if this breeder provides the "same puppies and service," that's not exactly something to hold in high regard...

    My main concern is that you can't verify ANYthing she says about her breeding practices with your own eyes. I've heard of plenty of breeders who insist that their dogs are "loved" and "happy" and "play every day," yet they spend their entire lives in an outdoor kennel, their frantic barking and wagging tails whenever a person walks by is interpreted as happiness when it's actually a desperate plea for the human companionship they DON'T get, and the amount of "play" that they get in a day amounts to being stuck in a 20' x 30' pen in the back of the farm, where they are left for hours where they MIGHT get some human interaction, and then returned to their cages at night.

    I say this as someone who bought my first dog (my Shiba, who is now nearing seven years old) from a totally shady seller. My Shiba was pretty sharp-tempered, we made a lot of mistakes in his puppyhood that we might have avoided with the guidance of a more knowledgeable breeder, and his health was excellent until he was about three years old. Then his allergies started getting worse and worse every year, until two summers ago when he was diagnosed as hypothyroid, a condition which is strongly influenced by genetics. Like Holly, I love my handsome pup who came from a for-profit breeder. But I would never, ever allow myself to do that again, because this ONE time, I got lucky.

    If I were you, I would definitely hold off on a decision until I had done more research, including a thorough reading of the BCOA website because there's a lot of useful information there. Check out this thorough section on screening breeders, for example.

    Doesn't have to be all serious reading – there are tons of gorgeous pictures of Basenjis that will get you through it, too. ;)

    (Sorry so long...)

  • It sounds to me like you are trying to justify buying a dog from this breeder. If money is a concern, and you have your heart set on a Basenji, why not look into getting a dog from BRAT, as others have recommended? Buying from a puppy mill (which is what this place sounds like) is simply going to keep them in business. There's no way we'll ever get rid of puppy mills until people stop buying from them (which also means not buying from pet stores).

    As for Fanconi testing, you said she told you she's tested for it and they're clear. If so, please get the names of the sire and dam and look it up at the OFA website…that's the only place this testing can be done, and the results will be on their website. If the information isn't there, she hasn't tested and is lying to you. She should also be able to provide you proof of the other testing she has done, as already mentioned here (such as eyes).

  • If you're going to get a dog from a breeder, I would do the research on parents health (also their siblings is a good start). I've had sick dogs before, and I didn't do my ABC before getting them, and sick dogs are NOT fun, not at all!

    Check out Winston, for example! :)

  • When you buy from a breeder such as this person all you are doing is the encourage her to keep breeding as she is only in it for the money

  • Wow,

    I am def learning allot. I am extremely grateful this forum exists and everyone is so passionate. I have asked her for the names of the Damn and Sire. Also I am asking her for pictures of the mother, father, puppies, puppies with the mother and, the pen and living environment. I totally understand the common sense behind the fact if you buy from a backyard breeder you are only supporting them. I have looked at BRAT before but truthfully I would like to have a puppy so I can raise it and watch its every moment of growth. This is such a hard decision because it is the only season of the year these puppies are being born. I am contacting breeders (the very very few) that live near my area to see if they would do payment plans but no one has responded yet, plus I feel like they might be offended. I do not see a prob with a payment plan if we establish a contract or something. I was told that she doesn't breed these dogs to show just for companionship for people. I do not know how to really feel about that comment. I am aware her dogs don't have championship bloodlines or championship sire but I am not looking for a show dog. I figured that's why her puppies were cheaper. How is it that she would make a profit when she charges less then a normal breeder though? I am not defending her in anyway I was just puzzled.:confused:

  • @suzee:

    Before you buy a puppy from a breeder please consider adopting one from BRAT.. there's SO many that need homes. You can get a puppy/young Basenji from them that's been tested/already vetted/etc.

    This is not a correct statement, while BRAT is a wonderful group with too many deserving Basenjis waiting for their forever homes, please not that BRAT Does NOT DNA test for Fanconi

  • @vickayx:


    I am def learning allot. I am extremely grateful this forum exists and everyone is so passionate. I have asked her for the names of the Damn and Sire. Also I am asking her for pictures of the mother, father, puppies, puppies with the mother and, the pen and living environment. I totally understand the common sense behind the fact if you buy from a backyard breeder you are only supporting them. I have looked at BRAT before but truthfully I would like to have a puppy so I can raise it and watch its every moment of growth. This is such a hard decision because it is the only season of the year these puppies are being born. I am contacting breeders (the very very few) that live near my area to see if they would do payment plans but no one has responded yet, plus I feel like they might be offended. I do not see a prob with a payment plan if we establish a contract or something. I was told that she doesn't breed these dogs to show just for companionship for people. I do not know how to really feel about that comment. I am aware her dogs don't have championship bloodlines or championship sire but I am not looking for a show dog. I figured that's why her puppies were cheaper. How is it that she would make a profit when she charges less then a normal breeder though? I am not defending her in anyway I was just puzzled.:confused:

    Reponsible breeders breed to improve the breed and breed to the Basenji AKC (set by The Basenji Club of America) breed standard. Honestly, responsible breeders breed for themselves and usually breed when they have a bloodline that they want to promote. So the responsible breeder keeps the best puppy for themselves to hopefully carry on the lines they are trying to develope (including conformation, health, temperament). So then you still have the rest of the litter… and then the most important thing is the home where they are placed, period.... regardless if companion home or show/performance home. Many of my best homes are pet homes and I would not change that for anything. While I would venture to say that 95% of the pups that I have bred could have finished a show conformation championship the home is more important. So these BYB that claim that they are just breeding "pet" puppies is a bunch of bull, in my opinion.

    I as a breeder would never be offended by someone asking about a possible payment plan... and responsible breeders also have a contract regardless, so not that hard to build in a payment plan. I suppose some might be offended, but then if they are, that is not someone I would want to buy from anyway. They can always just say no.

    If you are just breeding and selling for profit you are not putting any money into health testing so you don't have that expense. You use dogs on your property to breed, not like a responsible breeder that reseaches who to breed to and most all the time use a dog that could be on the other side of the country because they want to breed the best possible puppies. So that is additional cost by either shipping the bitch to the stud or the expense of AI or frozen semen breeding. Responsible breeders take into account before breeding health testing, conformation, temperament and will mating this dog with the bitch bring something to the breed? Will this mating improve the breed?

    If I were you, expand your search of responsible breeders.... Many could be within a day's drive or a trip by air... (which is another thing I will not do, I will not ship a puppy, potential buyers need to come in person).

  • Few things to consider.
    1. Do you truly want to help this person continue? If you don't wish to be a part of her unethical breeding scam, do not give her a penny. Money an issue? Get a rescue from BRAT or contact breeders about older (6 mos up) dogs they have that are not going to be shown and need a home.
    2. Is it smarter to save another year even, wait for a WELL BRED DOG from a RESPONSIBLE breeder that deserves your support, or jump to get one now. Which options proves you truly are a responsible person who cares about the dog more than your immediate needs?

    Bottom line, RUN, run fast, from this person.

  • Adopt a Basenji! There's some great Basenjis at BRAT. I adopted my current Basenji 2 years ago when he was 8 months old and he's got the best temperament!

  • Can you tell us more about yourself? Do you live alone, have a fenced yard, plan to keep the dog indoors, etc? How far are you willing to drive to pick up your puppy? What types of pets have you had in the past, or have presently etc? What hours do you work that the puppy would be alone, need someone to take it out etc.

    There may be some people on this list who can refer you to breeders that may have available puppies as litters are born. Sometimes we expect 3-4 pups and get 7. I do know of pending litters in NY, PA, IN and KY that may end up with more puppies than they have reservations.

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