You need to take him to the vet for sure.

Is something wrong? -
Litter information for 2013/2014I don't know if you've checked it out but there are a few groups on Facebook that list their litters for this year as well as looking on here.
What is the right thing to do in this case?I agree with Terry and i am also somewhat new.
New DNA Test for one form of PRA in BasenjisHow long did you all have to wait for the test results?
Nailah got her first pointsWell, my first show dog is just 13 months old, but she's doing well. At our last two shows she only got reserve winners bitch once, but this time with with her growing pains having gone away, we got a 3 point major. I'm so proud and excited. Hopefully we'll do even better next month at our next show.
Question, ethical breedersIf there is a problem, I would talk to the breeder first, then as eeefarrm said, make sure not to use names if you post anything here.
Pics of teslaOh so cute. She looks so much like my Nailah.
White Chocolate ???The harmful ingredient in chocolate is not present in white chocolate as there is technically no cacao.
Basenji LoveMy two sleep like that some times, just without the tails curled together. They like to also push me out of the bed altogether so they can do that.
1st BarooMedjai never baroos but howls whenever left all alone and lonely.
Nailah barood the second she got in the door at 11 weeks old. She continues to a lot, but not as much as she did when I got her. I think Medjai is convincing her to be quiet.
LA Ink - Basenji Style!Cute basenji. There's several threads on this on here.
Pippin is prob.CLEARWell, I got my results back and they're carrier, which we knew was a possibility since the parents are one carrier and one clear.
Malu the CatMy girlfriend thinks we got a cat also. Both my basenjis like to climb on the sill.
Pippin is prob.CLEARHow long did it take for her the results? I sent off Nailah's on Saturday I think, maybe Friday.
Fanconi in pups of "clear" parents?I understand everyone does things differently, but I have to ask:
Eva, the way you make it sound, we don’t need the Fanconi test if it makes no difference how many times ‘clear’ shows up in a pedigree, you should test every dog at least once a month because every dog will have the same chances of getting Fanconi. Is that right?
Fanconi in pups of "clear" parents?When you test, it should be several days in a row, so when you have a case like mine. Carrier from a clear and a child of two clears, I don’t think testing every month is necessary, every 3 months should be sufficient. If you know about the disease you know what to look for more than just a color change on a strip of paper.
Fanconi in pups of "clear" parents?I would say that depends on test results. If results are affected, I would start at 2, carrier and clear probably at 3. I would also recommend more consistent testing with an affected than a clear/carrier. I personally don’t think you need to be constantly strip testing a dog with a fanconi test of clear/carrier, but it should be done periodically.
Meet NailahHere are a couple pictures of my new girl Nowata?s Nailah L?Chaverim. She is getting along quite well with Medjai, and I will be posting more photos as they are taken.
C-Me and FranieI like the one all stretched out. The back leg almost makes it look like Franie is a body builder. lol
Kwame and Malaika (pic heavy)I can’t wait to be taking these types of photos of my puppy I’m getting Saturday.