Thanks everyone - guess the verdict is in - stay inside. I was mainly concerned about how uncomfortable it is having to "hold it" for almost eight hours.

Leaving the coat on all day while outside? -
Leaving the coat on all day while outside?Rather than keeping Chaos in his crate all day during cold weather, I've thought about getting him a "winter coat" so he could be left outside while I'm at work. Cold weather is defined as 30 - 40 degress F for the day's high temperature. Anything colder, he'd stay indoors in the crate…brrrrrrr!
My first thought was - not a good idea...he'll manage to choke himself on it, rip it off, shread it, eat it, etc. Chaos will be four years old this week and is rather laid back for a basenji, so perhaps he's past all the crazy stuff.
My question is - are any of your basenjis outside all day during the winter, unsupervised, wearing a coat?
Thanks in advance for any comments and advice!
Hi thereBasenji pictures are on their way. I'll even swap my opossum avatar for a basenji….;)
Hi thereI noticed a couple of my basenji videos that I posted on You Tube ended up linked to the Basenji Forum. I feel flattered! I thought I'd see if I could figure out how they ended up here, but I got side tracked browsing around. I found I couldn't do much wandering around as a guest, so here I am as a new member! Now where are my videos…..
I have Chaos, a three and a half year old full AF dark brindle male. He's extremley laid back, never really yodels but he does yowl, growl, and can do this angry camel noise when upset. He lives with four cats, a Jack Russell-Beagle mix and way too many fish.