Puppy Checklist
Remote controls and iPods. :)
For the first vet visit…if your puppy has an umbilical hernia, don't worry if the vet/vet techs freak out. It is very common in the breed and except in rare situations not an issue. You would have thought my dogs were about to die as much as the vet people kept bringing it up. Good grief!
Glasses on the list…. CHECK! I'm sitting on the couch right now and my glasses are on the coffee table. YIKES. I don't think 'dog chewing' is covered under the warranty. :) And thanks so much for the other items. The remote control is definitely moving from the coffee table too!
Thanks, this is a wonderful resource. It's going to get posted up on my fridge as soon as possible. We are definitely not super messy people, but we do have a tendency to leave headphones/laptop chargers/remote controls/etc lying around, and I'm sure it'll take a harsh reality check once we bring home puppy to get my SO to start putting his things up and away. :P
another one - if you leave the toilet door open and you have the toilet brush beside the toilet be prepared to loose it. The toilet is the only place we have to block off as she likes to grab the toilet brush and play with it :) -yuckkk- sigh lol (and shred the toilet paper off the toilet roll teehee).
I guess that could go under barricading/blocking off rooms but we never had an issue with the toilet room until a few months after we got her (when she must of finally discovered it)
That'll get you started. You can get grooming supplies like teeth cleaner, nail clippers, etc. later on as you need them, and the same with things like baby gates and bark control tools. Food, collar/ID, a leash, a bed and a kennel should be the big priority.
Fran are you getting another puppy?!?! Cell phone is a good one….Becca ate hubby's cell phone and sunglasses a few years ago. Tucker ate my work cell phone just last summer, I had had my job for like 6 months and my dog goes and eats my cell phone....explain that one to your boss!
Fran, good for you for having that much self control…. I dont think I can keep myself from getting another.... But for right now Oakley is all I can handle!
Wow Great list some things I will have to take care of for my babies safety