Hate mail
I am so sorry this "person" attacked you in this way. We all can, and often do disagree, but how can we learn, if not given a different point of view.
The person who posted to you is very disturbed. I am sorry you had to take that into your computer. -
Thank you all. I hope it's a lurker, but puppymillers also not so happy with me so who knows.
Thank you all. I hope it's a lurker, but puppymillers also not so happy with me so who knows.
How would a lurker get your email address? One has to go through the admin to email someone.
Some how I doubt this came from that email address. This Elsa person writes children books, and sadly, the person who wrote that email lacks any understanding of the english language and proper punctuation.
This reeks of an immature hack job… However it might also be a case of a damn good editor lurking in the background of her book writing career... -
Wow, that is scary. What a loon. Delete and move on. If it keeps up I would contact police and their cyber division..just so you have a record of contacting them, should it escalate, heaven forbid.
Actually, getting my email is pretty easy. :) Since most my ownline, including photobucket and youtube use "DebraDownSth" it's easy for anyone.
Person sent 7 more today lol. Delete. Though I did forward the 2 most vile ones to AOL to ask why account not shut down.
someone has way too much time on their hands :S i really hope that isnt an adult sending you those emails, yeesh!
Here is something just as bad. This morning I got an email from someone who is petitioning the Canadian government regarding old age security. I have no idea who this person is, so I sent a reply back (oh oh, hope that was not a bad pc thing to do). But someone sending me something about old age security is downright depressing!
ROFLMAO, Fran. I never respond to stuff like that for fear I will get on a mailing list sell for spam.
LOL it's still at it, this time attacking Arwen. Really sad pathetic life.
Oh, my this person is in need to a major hobby.
Sorry that anyone has to recieve this type of postings. -
I just report them and go on, unopened.