• I would continue to do what you are doing…tell people not to approach him. A lot of people try too hard when interacting with a Basenji, and it makes them nervous. It only gets worse if the people are a little nervous anyhow, and even worse if you are nervous about the people.

    And if you want to improve it, definitely use treats, and never correct the dog if he growls at someone (easy to say, hard to do). Check out the book "click to calm" by Emma Parsons, and "Cautions Canine" by Patricia McConnell

  • Why shouldn't you correct the dog if he growls at someone?

  • @dmey:

    Why shouldn't you correct the dog if he growls at someone?

    Because it will only make the behavior increase in this situation. If the dog is nervous about something, and gives a warning..and the human corrects the dog, it only intensifies the feeling the dog had in the first place; that 'there is something I need to be worried about here'. If you manage to correct the dog and successfully suppress the growl, when the dog gets anxious he won't bother to growl/snap first, just go directly to bite when he crosses his anxiety threshold. You aren't changing the dog's association with the trigger, only his reaction, and that often leads to people saying "he just bit without warning"

  • That makes sense, so What should you do?

  • Respect the growl.

  • I agree aboiut the growl and agree with Quercus about people who try to hard and just upset the dog more. I know that some people take it personally if a dog doesn't like them and see it as a slight - they then work overtime to persuade the dog to respond to them with the opposite effect. It's possibly human nature. However I'm not sure that they would behave the same way to a human!

  • Ideally you recognize the problem immediately, and work to change the dog's association with the trigger. The best way to do that is (in really simple terms) to feed the dog when in the presence of the trigger. But the trick is start to reward the dog before he crosses his anxiety threshold and starts to growl. As with any behavior you don't wish to see in your dog, you try to keep the behavior from happening. This is a really basic explanation of a rather complex training exercise. Anyone wishing to accomplish it should either check out the books mentioned above, and/or contact a trainer with experience in behavior modification using positive training methods.

  • Add to that Andrea, sometimes, there are just people that dogs do not like. Just like people, dogs have different personalities and quirks. That doesn't mean he should be biting, it just means he doesn't like them and may always not like these people and they may need to stay out of his 'space'.

  • First Basenji's

    Why have the thyroid checked if they bite?
    Bisa who will be 4 yrs old Christmas Day will growl, raise those hairs along her back, and show her teeth; sometimes tho she just 'goes after' whoever/whatever is irking her if they move too fast [ie: the GKs are playing with each and get too close to where she is laying].
    Bisa liked our oldest son's mini beagle when Ginger was alive; got along great BUT she does NOT like the full bred AKC Australian Shepard pup they now have [now 8 mos old and she still goes after it!].
    Bisa also growls and snaps at our grandkids [also see note above]. She has always been like this but it seems to be getting worse, hence my interest in doggie daycare and the suggestion of the thyroid being tested.

  • Behavior or change in behavior can be a sign of Thyroid problems. It is not a "cure all", but a full thyroid panel can determine if that might be the sourse of the problem. If they are not feeling well, then that obviously can change their behavior.

    And have you talked to your girls breeder about her behavior?

  • Exactly Pat. Kathy Diamond Davis, writer and trainer, had a dog who was very aggressive. Fought over thyroid meds because she was only borderline, found a new vet, put her on it and got a new dog. It isn't usually that dramatic but sometimes it can make the difference.

  • tanza how much does a thyroid panel useually coast?!

  • Cost of thyroid panel depends on your vet. I had one done on my first basenji and it was $50 about 15 years ago.

    One thing (actually two things) I've noticed about basenjis is 1. they don't like people crowding around them (this seems to be a big issue for mine) and 2. they don't like strangers putting their hand out to pet the top of their heads. I always tell visitors (new or old) to ignore the dog until everyone is settled down and I insist any children first hold out their hands so the dog can give it the smell test (I tell the kids the dog needs to smell if they have good or bad hands) and that petting should be under the chin until the dog says its okay to touch elsewhere. The kids seem to learn better than adults - more than once I've heard the neighborhood kids tell their friends the rules as we're coming up to them.

  • the only thing is i have only seen him aggressive towards dobermans, american native huskys, and some labs. and ( always) towards pit bulls, & bull dogs!. i understand the doberman because he got attacket by one in the park!, but i stoped it before it got bad!.but kids and other people i haven't had any problem with!, but idid noteist that they dont like big crowds around them!.

  • @davcoz:

    there are some people that he just does not like.

    These people tend to be the type that make my wife and I uneasy.

    Any ideas about this?

    **If these folks make you and your wife uneasy. Then why wouldn't you expect the same reaction from your B?

    He's lettin everybody know what he's feelin and your not sayin!


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