• So Simon is now seven and a half months old. He's settled in very nicely here. He's still a little rough with the cat, who idiotically keeps coming back for more. I assume they will keep working that out. We've been able to do enough dog socialization with friends and family that he is doing well when he meets strange dogs.

    He's very very polite with us, the humans. For a while we wondered if it was a honeymoon period, but he just seems to be that kind of boy. He's a terrible shredder. Luckily we have a lot of recycling, so we give him that and mostly that keeps him from shredding the "good" stuff.

    We've decided, after talking with my sister and Debbie (his breeder) that we're going to go ahead and neuter him. For one thing he's on the big side. A basenji pony 😃 And he's still reserved enough that I don't think it would be enjoyable for him. Those two things together make the decision "easy". (Of course, it's not easy, but it feels right.) We'll wait a couple more months to do it.

    I think he's gorgeous. He thinks I'm the goddess of the planet, and husband John is nearly as great. It still feels like a great match 🙂

    I'm not sure if I mentioned that his sire was Bricker, who happens to be our beloved Curie's cousin, which is not all that surprising, considering they came from the same lines, but is still somehow very nice for us all. All the pictures on my phone are blurry, but I'll put new ones up asap.

  • Here are couple of pics to go with listeme's summary of Simon's progress:

  • Simon looks lovely and it's great to hear how he's doing. We found a quick spray with the water bottle a great deterant when she got a bit much for the Cats.

  • He is very handsome… I love his head piece!

  • What a beautiful pup! I'm so happy that you found him, and glad to hear that there may be future stories of dog vs. kitty…. 🙂

  • Houston

    Very pretty indeed..mmm, brindle..I love brindles..

  • It seems as though you're all getting along nicely. It's great to have Simon's news.

  • Simon is looking mighty handsome!

  • Lovely b…the brindling is beautiful!

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