That is an incredible video - things like this just reinforce (to me) why I love all animals. Thanks Dan. I'll send this one over to my sis, a Chow owner and total animal lover too.
Good for you to do this for the dogs.
I always consider the dogs in shelters the lucky one.
Its the ones who are homeless and living by their wits I worry so very much about.
If this is a recent change, has the dog been seen by a vet? When a dog is in pain they will often have a behavorial change and be more grouchy and not like being touched.
I agree…death is not the worst thing that can happen to animals.
Sometimes its a kindess.
I cry everytime I have to take a dog to put it to sleep.
Thankfully, its be a while since that has occured.
I agree with you ….. sometimes it is the hardest act of kindness you can do.....