The first time I brought Shaye to her vet, he had never seen one before - he told me he was delighted to be able to get to know another breed, and has since gone online and has talked with other vets and researched everywhere he could think of so he could find out if there were any special things to be aware of in treating her. Most vets will go out of their way to school themselves if your dog is one he/she has not treated, I think. He is now wonderful with Shaye and with Gemma too, and I'm glad I let her be the "guinea pig."
Do I look comfy?
I usually sleep next to a cute little ball of basenji tucked into the back of my legs…today I woke up to this...I guess he could feel the 90 degree humidity too!! :p:p
He certainly does look comfy
Haha… I must resist the urge to reach out to my screen and paint a little black box over those scandalously exposed parts.
LOL! It must be comfy. Cody sleeps in the same position 90% of the time too.
HAHAHA! Thats so cute! Idk why but i wasnt expecting that at all lol
Oh, the life of a basenji - sigh.
They sleep in the funniest positions! Our like to sleep tucked behind the knees also - and burrowed under the covers - I keep the house at 77 degrees - Shaye thinks that's cold, and sleeps in the 94 degree weather out on the porch in the sun.
Cairo is guilty of that sleeping position 75% of the time, in my bed no less.