• First Basenji's

    Cody is pretty vocal. He grumbles and grunts a lot, and screams and barks a little, but he's never yodeled or barooed for me… until today.

    Every once in a while I'll play basenji yodeling videos on youtube, and he'll make noises in the back of his throat with his mouth closed. I was resigned to never hearing him sing :(. I guess I stumbled across the right video though, because he started making the closed-mouth-throat noises, and then after a bit of a struggle, he let out a few baroos and a short yodel! I gave him lots of praise and treats! Hopefully I will get to hear more of his beautiful voice in the future!

    BTW, this is the video in case you are interested:

  • How old is he? Arwen has never barooed or yodeled at all. She can howl, make cat noises, puppy noises and scream… at 8 it's over. But we so hoped Cara would yodel. No. I played that one, no. I have played many hoping it would get her going. No. 😞

    But I love her sweet yawn noises.

  • First Basenji's

    He's about 4.

    I'm trying to reinforce that it's a good thing that he does it, because he flinches like he's going to be hit when I go to pet him when he makes noises (like when I was praising him). His previous owner didn't like when they made noises. The only command Cody knew when I got him was "shut up" 😞 .

    I love the musical yawns!

  • Haha. Medjai just stared at the computer thinking "What the heck are they doing?"

  • First Basenji's

    Yay Cody!
    I'll try to play that one for my yodel-less girl. Maybe it'll get her in the mood, too. 🙂

  • Well done Cody!

  • Musical yawns… omg what a wonderful description! Me too. 🙂 Since it's about all we get noise wise, I guess i should be grateful!

  • I love the video, especially how there's one on the bed looking at the other three like, "WHY are you making noise? Don't you know we're barkless?" 🙂
    I hope this can get my Lola to roo, too…. I get tiny squeaks when she yawns, but that's about it.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • That makes me glad I ain't got but one of them!!!

  • First Basenji's

    Finally! Cody sings… just a little, but we're getting there!

    Click here for video

    I can't quite figure out how to embed it

  • Sigh, still waiting for Gizmo to discover his voice…1y4m and still nothing. Only when I leave will he howl.

    BTW, wasn't there someone with a Beagle/Basenji mix here, and they where going to try to film as he "barked"?

  • Cody both looks and sings beautifully. I just love the look in his eyes when he's doing it. Well done, Cody!

  • Good job Cody! We knew you could do it, buddy!!

  • First Basenji's

    Nerdy, I have a video of Cody barking. I've had him for 1 yr 4 mos, and it has taken a lot of coaxing and just the right video to get him to sing for me…. you can hear me telling him what a good boy he is as he's doing it. He also gets a handful of small treats afterwards. I usually baroo with the video to try to get him going.

  • Delta has roo'd once - when she saw a snake. Apart from that, no screams, but we have the range of squeaks, cat-yawns, huffs, and grumbles. Little squeaky barks when people come to the house at night.
    The video left her utterly unimpressed… 🙂

  • My fella needs but a few encouraging notes and he's off to the party 🙂 Sadly, the video only made him look at the computer a bit funny. I was hoping for more. I don't want to have to sing myself to get him to start, I want him to do it from a video or something. ( He just ignores me when I play my grandfather's harmonica….I know I have a kazoo around here somewhere :p )


  • 😞 Arwen has yodeled twice in her life, a baroo slightly. She is 8. So add insult to misery, this morning she BARKED (a single bark, than another BARK.. not the boof noise Cara makes, not the barkbark of a dog, but still a bark). Sigh.

  • That video was taken by Susan Kamen Marsicano of APU Basenjis (since 1973). I've been friends with Susan since 94. She has Basenji off spring all over the world. She had 8 Basenjis, she just lost a 16 year old 2 days ago so now it's seven. She's a really good artist too.

  • @nobarkus:

    That video was taken by Susan Kamen Marsicano of APU Basenjis (since 1973). I've been friends with Susan since 94. She has Basenji off spring all over the world. She had 8 Basenjis, she just lost a 16 year old 2 days ago so now it's seven. She's a really good artist too.

    Really nice website! Thanks for sharing.

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