@kembe - Very True Kembe, here is a link on looking for a responsible breeder. https://bconc.org/finding-breeders-red-flags
There are many scammers out there, don't fall for one.. or a person that is not a responsible breeder.
Thanks for the article on Dog Genome Project - I found it very interesting. I was trying to figure out the interactive Genome wheel. It has the basenji closely related to the Azawakh and rat terrier but I’m still trying to figure out the first wheel which has the basenji listed w/ black/grey starting point. As far as the PBS Dog Tales video - it’s very interesting - it’s season 47 episode 2 - I highly recommend you watch the whole thing (54 minutes).
A dog would not necessarily be a bad idea in a normal museum setting but if you look at the pictures of that museum everything was displayed in such a way that it would be a huge temptation for an animal. In fact, it would be a huge temptation for a small child that was under adult supervision.