• I got up this morning and went outside to say hi to dogs. Lana was playing with something that she was very reluctant to give up. When I finally got ahold of it, it turned out to be a squirrel tail! Then I went searching around the yard, and found a couple of small pieces that seemed to be the remnants of the squirrel! Those dogs ate the entire thing - fur, bones, all - except the tail. Sorry, no pictures - too graphic. I am 100% convinced that it was Lana who caught the poor thing, the other two dogs are two slow to do that. This is the second squirrel this year. The first one was a few months ago. That one I managed to see them drag around the back yard, and I took it from them when it was still alive. It was too severely damaged and had to be humanely finished. This one was not that lucky. Just for those who are going to say that squirrels can transmit diseases - I know all of that, and I am not particularly happy about them catching the squirrel, but nothing I can do. We have huge old trees and squirrels come to the yard all the time. Plus my dogs have all the shots imaginable.

  • I would do more frequent fecal tests, to make sure the dogs didn't get any worms from
    their "catch".

  • With catching and eating yard critters, that can lead to tape worm… so good to have their stool checked more often

    And your right, that is what dogs do.... catch and eat!!!

  • Yep. They also get dewormed 3-4 times a year (same schedule as my horses, easier to keep track that way). What surpized me is that Lana is really picky with her meals, even with treats and she eats dirty nasty squirrel, hair and all… yuck!

  • @diff_eqs:

    Yep. They also get dewormed 3-4 times a year (same schedule as my horses, easier to keep track that way). What surpized me is that Lana is really picky with her meals, even with treats and she eats dirty nasty squirrel, hair and all… yuck!

    Yuck for us…. "fresh kill" for them...

  • dinner on the run, eh?

  • @agilebasenji:

    dinner on the run, eh?

    Well put…gggg

  • I think your dogs are giving you a silent hint to change their food into BARF 😉
    I would not worry about the squirrels, frankly if they were in good shape of body and mind they would not be caught by a basenji 😉

  • @ibi_n_sane:

    I think your dogs are giving you a silent hint to change their food into BARF 😉
    I would not worry about the squirrels, frankly if they were in good shape of body and mind they would not be caught by a basenji 😉

    That's what worries me!

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