Echo's Story
Well you have a great doggie there, you are lucky to have found one another!!!
What a beautiful boy your Echo is! How lucky he is to have found you! "His Royal Highness Stinky Poopiness" - heehee! That cracks me up - kudos to you and your husband for your amazing care of Echo!
I want to go and beat up those bad people who abused and neglected him and left him in the tupperware box. Let's go stick them in a tupperware box in the middle of a field with no food or water for even several days and see how they like it!!!!:mad:
What a wonderful story with a happy ending! You are truly amazing to do that for HRHSP! (hee hee) I love the term "forever home" and it sounds like he has found his…he looks healthy, happy and content. Please keep us updated on how he does...and more pictures, please!
Kingmonty-thanks for sharing Echo's story. It's an unfortunate reminder of the cruelty that exists towards nature's little creatures. I for one truly believe that this kind of cruelty will come back to those who leave these little ones in harm & complete disregard for their life.
It makes me so angry to witness such a blatant disrespect for an animal's life. It may not be a human life but it is a life nonetheless.
Thanks to people like you we can see how kindness & caring will one day win over all the abusive people in this world.
yeah honestly I think we put too much value on human life and elevate ourselves to godhood. It is not our place to kill off creatures of the earth or harm them! I'm just sick of people saying how much more important a human life is to a species of animal.