Nicole made her own stuffed toy..

  • .. by emptying the stuffing of my sofa all over the floor and hiding all her other toys (which she stole out of her toybox) inside the newly created space in the sofa. She sat ever so proudly enjoying her creation when I walked in, and when I yelled at her I got something of a jokey groal back, telling me that "I can make sounds too, but you got to see the humour in this", and then she just jumped around wanting to play, her tail wagging ever so much!

    I guess that's what you get for leaving her alone in the living room for a couple of hours while working on the computer. She doesn't like not having my attention, which she proved again in the evening by destroying a CD case in a million small sharp pieces. She clearly doesn't approve of the increased amount of work I have at the moment 😞

  • Oh my, we have all been there..when my first b trashed the couch..I put a new slip covre over it..well, when hubby when to sit on his side, he fell through…I should have put a pillow in his spot.
    I will next time.
    Remember, a tired b is a good b...

  • ooohhh, we need pics.

  • Yes, yes, photos of the sofa! Nicole is very creative, putting her toy-box IN the sofa!

  • My last set of furniture came with a LOT of throw pillows that happened to be backed with the same fabric the furniture was made out of. I think there were about 12 pillows and I have 6 or 8 left. The pillows were disassembled and the fabric was used to patch holes. I've become quite adept at furniture repair…... LOL!!

  • My couch has zero pillows and a couch cover!

    I have learned to sew just about anything!!!!!

    It's amazing what a needle and thread can do!!!

  • @vickilb:

    My couch has zero pillows and a couch cover!

    I have learned to sew just about anything!!!!!

    It's amazing what a needle and thread can do!!!

    you may want to invest in a sewing machine.

  • We learned the sofa stuff when Shaye and Gemma tore all the stuffing out of the footrest on one of the recliners in our sectional - it has a permanent throw over it, but even though I think of replacing the whole thing, I don't dare - they sometimes try to dig into anywhere on the sectional to bury stuff they want to hide frm each other. I've just decided not to think about furniture - maybe when they are older and more sedate (ahahahahahahaha)

  • I think there are a whole lot of us on here who have the same experiences. After a time you learn to laugh a lot at it. I have done more sewing with the basenjis than I ever had with my children.

    Having just patched up a sofa cushion today I came into the room to find that the zip has been carefully removed. It might be time to throw it away now and start again!!!!!

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