While I appreciate the work OFA is doing I was shocked by what I got in the mail yesterday.
In February or March we got the Fanconi DNA test results back from OFA and it was the best possible news–she tested Probable Clear/Normal. We breathed a huge sigh of relief that lasted for days.
Yesterday I got an unexpected envelope from OFA telling me that due to a processing error they were now sending me new test results that now showed our Ella was a probable carrier of Fanconi. My jaw dropped.
Has anybody else ever had this happen! It seems relatively unforgivable. FOr one thing, there is a chance we could have bred Ella in the last few months and how would we all feel if that had happened OFA? In this case, Ella has been spayed so that was not an issue.
My main question, since Ella is spayed, is there any difference in the results of probable clear and probable carrier in terms of Ella's chance of developing Fanconi herself. I know there is a huge difference in the meaning of those results if she was being bred. But the way I read it, the chance of her developing Fanconi is "unlikely" in either case. Is that really true? Did our Ella's chance of developing Fanconi just go up yesterday?
If I am the only one this has happened to, I can deal with it. But if they regularly send off:mad: test results and then rescind them a few months later, they need to re-evaluate their process.
Please NOTE: OFA only lists the results, they are NOT the LAB that does the test, that is the U of Mo, so they are only the messenger with DNA Fanconi testing
Human Error happens, there is someone else on this Forum that must have had their dog test about the same time and was also notified of incorrect results. Be glad that they found an error and corrected it. I do not believe is a reqular occurance. Humans make errors, labs make errors… I have only heard of one other time back in 07 that there was a testing problem with a batch of samples.
As far as Fanconi, Carriers are just that, a Carrier. Carriers carry the gene, but only one copy of it, so therefore they should never develop Fanconi