Joan and Traci, happy to email you pictures. I will take some this weekend and sent them your way. The female is bigger in size (about 6kg) and lovely (tan with some black stripes and a lovely face) and extremely sharp. She is already trained. The male is smaller in size (about 5kg now) and very good natured. He is quieter but very vivid and active. We started their vaccination this week and they will have their booster in a month or so. I will be in touch. Thank you.
Considering adopting a Basenji/Shiba Inu mix
That is one COOL looking dog!!! Its like a fury basenji, wider.. Nice
Thank you, glad you liked the pics!
Very attractive dog.
Thanks for sharing. -
Very pretty boy!
I know this is an old post but I have a 8 month old basenji shiba mix (we call him a shasenji) He just began shedding and quite a bit but has never before. He gets along really well with other dogs but we were very dedicated to socializing him. I do think he would do better with another dog in the house because he is always looking to play and gets destructive when there is no one to play with him. He is very pretty and makes all the cute basenji sounds and we love him!
congratulations on your basenji/shiba puppy and welcome. Would be cool to see some pictures of your pooch!
Are you sure that black/white dog has Shiba in it?
Mambo and his best friend Moses
mambo as a puppy
Mambo and his best friend Moses
I know I'm a little late, but your guy looks just like mine! CUTE!
He is so cute! Are you sure there's shiba in there? He looks all basenji except perhaps the tail is fluffier.
He does look like he could be PB. Where did you get him from?
You guys, Mambo's owner already posted pictures of his pup's parents in his intro thread here. He is a confirmed shiba/basenji mix. Perhaps, for obvious reasons, I remember this one pretty well.
Hope Mambo's doing well!