Interesting how a Shar-pei has a close genetic ties to a wolf. By visual appearance you'd say "whaaa"?! You'd like to see the progression of a Shar-pei over the thousands of years. You look at a Basenji you would say OK I can there's some similarity there. Do Shar-pei's howl at the moon? (-: There's a guy that brings his to the dog park and his name is Mr. Wrinkles.
Interesting how a Shar-pei has a close genetic ties to a wolf. By visual appearance you'd say "whaaa"?! You'd like to see the progression of a Shar-pei over the thousands of years. You look at a Basenji you would say OK I can there's some similarity there. Do Shar-pei's howl at the moon? (-: There's a guy that brings his to the dog park and his name is Mr. Wrinkles.
Well, I guess they share a similarity with basenjis in regards to wrinkles. ;)
Although of course basenjis are not as wrinkly.