Does anyone know if you can put Kongs in the dishwasher? Tosca's is kinda gross inside, and I've tried spraying hot water in there and stuff, but I can't get it really clean. I thought I'd try the dishwasher if it's safe to do so. What do you think? :)
I don't know..probably though..
How about just letting it soak in some hot water with a tiny amount of is safe and it should take care of it..
We use ones from Rukka. Not sure if they’re available everywhere but they are they best ones we have tried (others always fell off, especially in deep snow). I think having two Velcro closures on each sock has been key. I also prefer the soft shell ones as our B seems to accept them more and they don’t twist as much as the ones with a hard sole.
Here are the ones I am referring to:
My undergraduate degree was in geophysics with a minor in applied math. I name all my Basenjis after Indian mathematicians. My current Basenjis are Madhava of Sangamagrama (Madhava for short) and Bramagupta (Bramagupta for short). They do respond to their "short" names.
I buy the Canine Carryouts, in the Beef flavor? They are soft, and you can really squish them down in there! It takes quite a while, for Callie to get it out of there! :)