• Just wanted to provide an update on Dolce. She is doing well and seems to be anti-basenji in her mannerisms so far. She is a major lap dog, can't stand to be away from us and loves to give kisses. She started her show training last week and begins her obedience training on Saturday. She already knows sit, lie down, shake & stand. Stay, however, is not in her vocabulary, I find it difficult to catch her sitting still for photographs. Below is a list of her major likes and dislikes.

    Shredding her beds
    Sleeping on the heat vents
    The neighbors rat terriers
    Being on our laps
    Giving kisses
    Chewing on Denim
    Lying in towels just out of the dryer

    Sleeping through the night
    The Crate!!!!!
    Going outside when its cold or rainy-Which is everyday in GA this year!
    Not being allowed on the furniture

  • Sounds like Dolce is doing realy well

  • When I die I want to be reincarnated as a basenji in your household!! Dolce already owns more clothing & accessories than I do!

    She's sooo stinking cute! Are you bringing her to the lure coursing trial in Cartersville this weekend?

  • Awwww there's my girl. You forgot one of her likes….chewing on people's hair. 😃

  • @Andrew:

    When I die I want to be reincarnated as a basenji in your household!! Dolce already owns more clothing & accessories than I do!

    She's sooo stinking cute! Are you bringing her to the lure coursing trial in Cartersville this weekend?

    Me too! Natalie spends more on the dog in the first 2 weeks than she spends on me in a year. We will try to come on Sunday to the trials.

  • She is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

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