Female or male?
My experience is that boys are very sweet and loving…girls can be that way as well, but the term Bitch is a valid one.
Most of my experience has been with females. When I was a child, all of the dogs my gramma kept were girls. Bubbles was a bit snippy, but all the others were sweet, playful and liked people. Even Bubbles was okay after she was around you for a while.
AJ is the first male I've ever been around for any amount of time. He's very sweet, affectionate and intelligent. He's my Velcro dog. He is, though, Basenji through and through…he only does things I want him to do if it's in his own interests and only when he's had a moment to think about it first.
I think you will love and cherish which ever, whatever color you get. The female I have now is very loving, sweet-natured and the cuddliest basenji here. I have found what's most important is the bond you create with your dog. But I will say my female at 20 pounds is a better size (for me) than my 26/28 pound boys.
Oh, I should have added, that boys do better with girls and girls do better with boys - that's just sort of a usual rule. So if you already have one dog, might want to focus on the opp sex.
I think our male must have been the exeption, he certainly did have a clue and manipulated us ruthlessly all his life, but we loved him so much.
We are having a female Pup this time so time will tell