Sounds like she is letting you know where she is - Lela really (I mean REALLY) howls when she does not know where we are.
When we leave our B's alone, we always tell them we are leaving and when we will be back. They understand. We don't use crates.
Kennel Aire Crate
I'm looking into buying a Kennel Aire Commander series crate for in the car.
what do you guys think would be the best size crate for travel for a basenji? I have really big crates at home, but I don't think the travel wire crate should be that big.-Nicole
I think the car size is a 144 or 145 - which equates to about a 200 wire crate in other brands.
BTW, good luck finding one :D:D - they don't make the Commander anymore and IF they show up on ebay, they usually go $150+ and don't have bottom pan.
Ebay was my plan I was expecting to pay about $150, but I guess I need to modify that idea?