• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m6Wn2pqbyk&feature=channel

    I thought this video was priceless. Shows the determination of Basenjis in just 1 minute.

  • Good video yes priceless. Not sure I want to say thank you we have a gate almost like that top round and we thought we were safe with Jaycee. Time may tell us different. Thank you I love it when he walks around room like I got it now.

    Rita Jean

  • Haha…that's funny, and amazing that he didn't eat the kibble right away. There is no way my dog would have lasted two seconds with a piece of kibble available to eat. My husband has a game he plays with our dog, Tosca, that is hilarious. He sits on the floor and places like 5 pieces of kibble or something in front of him. Then he'll let Tosca run up to him and try to get it. He'll push her away, flip her around, etc. and then she'll run away and come back, tail wagging for more. They both get completely out of breath; her running, jumping, and trying to get the food, him trying to be fast enough to keep her away. Occasionally he'll let her get one just to keep her motivated, it's the most hilarious thing ever. Tosca loves it, I've tried to do it with her myself, but my reactions are too slow 😛 Obviously a game like this would not work with every dog, but Tosca is not a bit food aggressive and has fun the entire time. It's a great mental and physical work out for her 🙂

  • Houston

    Great clip. He is so cute with all his cool wrinkles..super cute..

    Hey, do you use a flip video, by chance? IU am looking for something easy to use and your videos are always so crisp..

  • First Basenji's

    That's adorable, and I love the escaping video!

    Gizmo has beautiful wrinkles. (I think Cody is slightly jealous 🙂 )

  • Good videos, both, but when the b excaped, did he do any damage??

  • Great video(s)! Neither my past or present boy have been excited about kibble to have such fun but both were/are escape artists, and I have a gate that looks a lot like the one on the video…hmmm....

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Great clip. He is so cute with all his cool wrinkles..super cute..

    Hey, do you use a flip video, by chance? IU am looking for something easy to use and your videos are always so crisp..

    Yeah, I'm using the FlipUltra HD. Real nice handy. I have a "real" Sony cam too, but the Flip is just so small and quick to start up. I usually always have it with me in my jacket pocket, never know what you might see happen. Also it can use regular AA batteries, so if the rechargeables die on me, I can just buy if needed.

    This video and a few others are not "HD" because I used the FlipShare program to upload, it compresses the video a lot more, but the upload is faster.

    I have tested a bunch of mini cams, but the Flip was by far the best. The mic is outstanding, and the lens films the best in low light… Only downside is there is virtually no stabilizing, so it needs a steady hand.

    Well, that's enough of my Flip advertising...lol 😉


    Good videos, both, but when the b excaped, did he do any damage??

    No, but I have fixed the gate a bit. If you look in the video you can see pretty long screws on every corner that hold it up. I added the extra "bar piece", and they are no longer exposed like that. You can see him get slightly stuck at times. So it worried me that he could actually hang himself.
    That is no longer the issue now. Also I think it made it harder for him to climb over.

    But sadly he has separation anxiety, yesterday he freaked when I closed him in there (in an attempt to get him used to staying in the room), he was panting a lot while trying to get over again. He has never reacted to strongly before.
    I am considering getting a professional to come help me out. I have tried every tip I can find on the internet, with no success. It costs a lot, and if I do I then have to cancel a dog class I signed up for in January.

  • The pro might be a good idea…will be able to see how you interact with Giz at home rather than in a controlled environment.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    But sadly he has separation anxiety, yesterday he freaked when I closed him in there (in an attempt to get him used to staying in the room), he was panting a lot while trying to get over again. He has never reacted to strongly before.
    I am considering getting a professional to come help me out. I have tried every tip I can find on the internet, with no success. It costs a lot, and if I do I then have to cancel a dog class I signed up for in January.

    Talk with your vet about holistic approaches. I have Kananga on an herbal extract that really takes the edge off his anxiety.

    Although he still whimpers sometimes when I leave the room, fortunately he calms down right away, but the furniture chewing has stopped.

  • Yeah, I have been thinking about that. I had a look at Homeopet Anxiety Relief. Any experience with that?

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    Yeah, I have been thinking about that. I had a look at Homeopet Anxiety Relief. Any experience with that?

    The vet I worked for used to recommend Homeopet products pretty regularly and I know he recommended the anti-anxiety one often.


  • Houston

    I have also heard great things about Homeopet from my vet, I have yet to use it, the dogs calmed down on their own..

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    Yeah, I have been thinking about that. I had a look at Homeopet Anxiety Relief. Any experience with that?

    I've heard good things about Homeopet. I've been using Azmira Calm & Relax with Kananga for the last few months and have seen great results. I think it's a similar solution as it's simply herbal extracts that you can add to their water.

  • Has he had this Seperation A the whole time you have had him, or just lately?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Has he had this Seperation A the whole time you have had him, or just lately?

    It's been building gradually. I kinda had a feeling this would happen, especially since I am unemployed, and taking classes via home on the internet. I am home 99% of the time. Will be taking classes throughout next year too.

    Also I have had him sleeping in my bedroom (in his crate) the whole time..which this dumbass puppy pamplet said was a good thing to do. Wish I never did that, and instead had him in his room alone from the start! Sigh….ah well.

    Although the last few weeks I have been moving his crate out, and now he is in the living-room, but could still see me. Hopefully that will help build up his confidence in being alone, last night I actually had the door half closed and he didn't cry.

    I have been trying to keep him in the room as much as posabul, like when playing with him, he eats there etc. Just to attempt to get him to associate the room with happy things. But even if I am in the room, and I close the gate (or door) he drops everything and whimpers at the door.

  • My dogs sleep with me. I really don't see that as a contributing issue.
    What I would do is get the b used to being alone is short time frames. As you have time, you can do it.
    That is, leave him inside, go outside and come back in. Make it very short, 1 min or less.
    slowly increase this time until its just a matter of routine.
    Keep the coming and going very low key, like you were going out to p/u the mail or
    put the laundry in the washer. Just routine, I will be right back.
    I dont' have time to find the whole printout, but will try to do it this afternoon for you.
    It does take some time, and it does work.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    My dogs sleep with me. I really don't see that as a contributing issue.
    What I would do is get the b used to being alone is short time frames. As you have time, you can do it.
    That is, leave him inside, go outside and come back in. Make it very short, 1 min or less.
    slowly increase this time until its just a matter of routine.
    Keep the coming and going very low key, like you were going out to p/u the mail or
    put the laundry in the washer. Just routine, I will be right back.
    I dont' have time to find the whole printout, but will try to do it this afternoon for you.
    It does take some time, and it does work.

    I agree. My B sleeps on my bed and he hasn't developed any issues really.

    Just like with humans and anxiety/phobias, you need to use gradual exposure. This is why I got in the habit of always excluding Kananga when I was doing chores around the house. When I went to go do laundry, I'd shut the door. But a few minutes later I would be back. During that time I'd hear him whimper a bit but he'd calm down right away.

    You can start by doing this and move up to completely leaving your home for short periods of time.

    I started this habit right away with him and have never really discontinued it. I think its a helpful exposure to let them know you'll always be back.

  • Sure shows the ""cat actions" that a b have been described to have. Great show!!!

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