• Houston

    Yes sweet potato anything for me please, except maybe pie..nope has to be foodie stuff, not after dinner stuff, and if they are fried, even better..

    Waffle shortage, I just about fell out of my office chair this morning when I read that, I mean come on, do we have to make that news..?
    My kids love peanut butter jelly waffle sandwiches, so they will be hurt'n, but there are other brands besides Eggo..

  • @agilebasenji:

    oh man, has anyone else had the sweet potato french fries? de-lish!!! Target used to have them, but haven't the last couple of times i've been. thankfully i found them at costco, so i got a HUGE bag. (Costco is a warehouse store where you can only buy things in bulk. dogs like it because they often have bully sticks.)

    Or Sweet Potato, potato chips… again.. de-lish!!!!!

  • We get frozen sweet potato fries and love them. sometimes I give the girls one before cooking, and they think they are frozen treats.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Yes sweet potato anything for me please, except maybe pie..nope has to be foodie stuff, not after dinner stuff, and if they are fried, even better..


    That first recipe I posted was for Sweet potato cheesecake. You might change your mind. 😉
    But then I love cheesecake.

  • Houston

    I was mainly thinking sw. pot pie..not a favorite, cheese cake sounds very interesting…and dreamy, I mean creamy..;)

    Jepp, it has gotten printed, it looks and sounds delish..

  • OK everybody this thread is going off topic from pumpkin shortages to sweet potato recipes. Let's all calm down here and get back to the subject. (-:

  • Wouldn't any kind of squash work? Does it have to be pumpkin or can it be, I don't know, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, hubbard squash….?

    We used to grow all of those when I was a brat ankle-biter kid on the farm. (And zucchini...lots and lots of zucchini... I still have nightmares about fried zucchini, zucchini soup, zucchini bread, zucchini zucchini zucchini:eek:)

  • @AJs:

    Wouldn't any kind of squash work? Does it have to be pumpkin or can it be, I don't know, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, hubbard squash….?

    We used to grow all of those when I was a brat ankle-biter kid on the farm. (And zucchini...lots and lots of zucchini... I still have nightmares about fried zucchini, zucchini soup, zucchini bread, zucchini zucchini zucchini:eek:)

    Here's Belinda being forced to draw zucchinis.:D

    I think any of those squashes would be fine.

  • Yes zucchini and fried green tomatoes and rubarh pie yes greens picked from yard looked like weeds. What about homemade bourbon balls at holidays?

    Rita Jean

  • I knew I should have put this thread in the off topic section. :p:D

  • Sorry Nemo the zucchins did it set me off on old time foods. Got my pumpkin pies in Sara Lee boxes today just in case.

    Rita Jean

  • The most hilarious thing about the photo is that little girl could pass for me when I was her age…at least pass as my sister. 😃

  • First Basenji's

    I haven't given Cody pumpkin, but he loves sweet potatoes, thankfully. We have had an overabundance of sweet potatoes this year, and most of them are huge (3-4 times the size that they usually are). We've actually had them with dinner so often in the last few weeks, we've joked about writing a book entitled "1001 Ways to Cook a Sweet Potato". I usually make a pumpkin cheesecake for the holidays, but I will have to try the sweet potato cheesecake.

  • another kind of pumpkin shortage? I mean short pumpkins…

  • @AJs:

    another kind of pumpkin shortage? I mean short pumpkins…

    That little girl is somebody's cute little pumpkin. 😃

  • Normally I am not a fan of sweet potato pie, but this place in Chicago, Soul Vegetarian East, makes a vegan sweet potato pie that is to die for.

    Edit: Rob makes a really good zucchini pizza crust too.


  • Houston

    Thank you so much for that recipe..the Cheesecake one..
    I just made it for tomorrow and oh..my, I wonder if it will make it until tomorrow..it looks so good..and smells to die for..
    Again, Thanks

  • oh, man, send me a piece. we're going to a friend's house, and i wasn't "required" to make dessert this year. I do think i'm going to make red velvet cupcakes for Digital's birthday (next month), not that he can have any, but i do like the red velvet cake and it'll be the last night of my control unleashed class, so there's that.

    anyway, that cheesecake is just delish!!!

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