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Rescue Advice -Eskis in Decatur GA

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  • Vicki,

    Sounds to me like you have it going on..good for you..

  • God bless you Vicki way to go. Jason and Miranda I have meet Vicki and Razzle they both are really great. Razzle very happy and in less than 15 min's he was all ready bonding with Rocky and within 1/2 hour things were looking super. I would not question Vicki as to how could she take care of 8 dogs knowledge and experience. I know she would have done a super job and yes there may have been times not as good but there would have been good times. It hurts my feelings that you would question Vicki how can you take care or have time for the dogs. Vicki is a gem with a loving heart.

    Rita Jean

  • Vicki thanks for the update on the Eskis, its great to hear how things have turned out.
    What a busy busy life you lead. I used to work with families who had a child with a disability it always amazed me the energy some people have, the families who had the most problems were often the ones who did the most to help the centre or fund raise etc

  • Ms. Rita Jean:
    Thank you for gracefully voicing my feelings on the questioning.

    My dad pitched the TV set into the front yard when I was 10 years old because he wanted our family to talk rather than veg in front of the idiot box. The ruined remains of that TV sat out there in the rain for two weeks before it finally was gotten rid of. I think he left it there on purpose to tell everyone, "So, there!"
    I like your style.


  • @Rita:

    God bless you Vicki way to go. Jason and Miranda I have meet Vicki and Razzle they both are really great. Razzle very happy and in less than 15 min's he was all ready bonding with Rocky and within 1/2 hour things were looking super. I would not question Vicki as to how could she take care of 8 dogs knowledge and experience. I know she would have done a super job and yes there may have been times not as good but there would have been good times. It hurts my feelings that you would question Vicki how can you take care or have time for the dogs. Vicki is a gem with a loving heart.

    Rita Jean

    Rita Jean,

    I don't know how in the world it should hurt YOUR feelings to have completely reasonable questions asked of someone ELSE by any forum members. There was no intent here but to find out how someone managed that number of dogs, with different needs and temperaments. We did give some useful advice, regarding keeping the temporary charges separate from the permanent family members, we asked if this was possible, we expressed concern for the elder dog that lives with Vicki. It is our belief that the dog that has been with us the longest deserves the most consideration anytime there might be a change that would affect their daily life. We were projecting that priority system and guessing that others such as Vicki might feel that way too.

    It is great to know that you would not question Vicki, but we don't know her, we don't know her situation and even if we did, we still might question her, depending on the situation. Recently we met someone, worked with them on several occasions, thought they were okay, and later they murdered someone (allegedly) we were on NBC dateline in regard to it! We would not hesitate to question, in order to provoke thought, and to get more of through understanding on the subject. It is unfortunate you find that objectionable.

    Are you suggesting that it is not okay for people on this forum to ask questions related to the topic at hand? Especially when the poster has asked for input and advice? For us, the best way to give good advice is to know the nuances of the situation, so that we give good informed suggestions, not random ones. We think it is good to know how Vicki handles her multiple dog household, it is not an easy thing to do, and not everyone has the lifestyle that she has that allows her to do this. Considering there are others who might be in the same situation now or in the future isn't this a golden opportunity to share information that might be valuable? Since your post indicates that you value Vicki's knowledge and experience why would you object to anyone asking her to share it? It just doesn't make sense.

  • Vicki,

    Thanks for sharing all that about your situation and how you handle things. It is wonderful that you have the ability to fit your life around your dogs. Any day you can take your dog to work with you is a good day in my book!

    On another note, just last night we saw a tv show about a woman who started a rehab program for female inmates and dogs at her local prison. The inmates took full responsibility for the dogs and were required to take classes in order to learn how to properly care, and learn the proper menthods and procedures for rehabilitating the particular dog they care for. It looked like a wonderful thing for both the dogs and the women involved. Since you are an educator and have connections with your local detention center, do you think this is a program that might benefit the inmates there and help some dogs to be rehabilitated?

    We also wondered if there might be government grants or funding where you could create a non-for-profit 501c corporation to help offset the costs of starting such a program and assist you with your rescue efforts.

    Let us know what you think.

    Jason and Miranda

  • Vicki,

    I want to let you know that I think you are doing this with finesse..within the last few days your life and what you belive in has been questioned, by what seems like a complete stranger, and only today you have been compared to a murderer…WOW..what else is there to say?

    I see you as a friend and want you to know that I admire you, for what you are, what you believe in and how you do it, living your dream, unlike so many americans today...
    I don't hesitate to believe for one minute that you would've made a wonderful foster for those two Eskis whether short term or for the long run, and I know I am not alone in thinking this.

  • @Basenjimamma:


    I want to let you know that I think you are doing this with finesse..within the last few days your life and what you belive in has been questioned, by what seems like a complete stranger, and only today you have been compared to a murderer…WOW..what else is there to say?

    I see you as a friend and want you to know that I admire you, for what you are, what you believe in and how you do it, living your dream, unlike so many americans today...
    I don't hesitate to believe for one minute that you would've made a wonderful foster for those two Eskis whether short term or for the long run, and I know I am not alone in thinking this.

    Alright, I think I have pretty much had enough. I believe that if you are going to quote someone or refer to a comment they have made then you need to make the time and effort to quote them accurately and properly. Clearly some of the users of this forum are not able to do that. In fact that will take anothers post no matter what the intent and context is and change or twist it to suit their own purpose.

    If my next comments get me kicked off the forum then so be it.

    Some of the comments here really make us wonder if the people responding even read the complete post.

    Where in any post in this thread under this topic did Vicki complain about being questioned? Even if she had, don't you think others who are members of this forum have a right to ask questions? Why is it that there are some people who just cannot understand that this is a chat forum and its reasonable to ask questions of one another? When did it become a crime to inquire about another forum members methods.

    We do challenge any of you to search many of the other posts and different topics. Questions are asked daily. Methods are discussed daily.

    Just for the record, I do not seem like a complete stranger, I am a complete stranger. You have not met a person just because you have chatted on line, exchanged some email, or had a conversation on the phone. You only converse and exchange thoughts and idea's with them through fonts on your screen. The only way you meet someone is face to face in reality, and it certainly takes much more than a few face to face meetings to really know them. Even then you only get to see what they allow you to see.

    Second to the same person that made the above comment, cut and paste where Vicki was compared or where it even was insinuated that she was a murderer. Did you even read the complete post or sentence.

    Let us help you out by re-posting the entire paragraph in quotes below:

    "It is great to know that you would not question Vicki, but we don't know her, we don't know her situation and even if we did, we still might question her, depending on the situation. Recently we met someone, worked with them on several occasions, thought they were okay, and later they murdered someone (allegedly) we were on NBC dateline in regard to it! We would not hesitate to question, in order to provoke thought, and to get more of through understanding on the subject. It is unfortunate you find that objectionable."

    We wrote this paragraph simply to make a point to some of those who feel that because asked questions about her methods and situation somehow she was threatened and felt the need to come to her defense. Just as a side comment this has the appearance of high school type behavior to us.

    OK, Since some of the poster or posters in thread think that just because they met or talked to someone on the internet and feel good about that person or have posted in regard to it, that it should somehow automatically give credibility to the other person. If others of us have not met that poster in person, or have first hand knowledge of who that person is, then only by asking questions and attempting to communicate with that person can get any kind of idea or enough information to form any kind of opinion. Even then because of limited information that opinion could be wrong.

    The point of our post was that recently, even though Miranda and I had worked with a person on many occasions, including meeting their kids, having dinner with them, and interacting with them under several circumstances that indicated that the person we met was intelligent, honest, hard working, loving parent, we found out that sometimes when you think you know a person you really do not. We learned that lesson when NBC called and interviewed us for Dateline and let us know that this person had been had been arrested for murder. Again the only reason we mentioned this is because we wanted to make the point that you really never know anyone.

    At no time was Vicki mentioned or compared to this woman but apparently a poster here felt the need to take our comments out of context and twist the facts presented to make a point to suit their own purpose. Again this smacks of high school type behavior and what other purpose could a post like that have except to stir the pot in an attempt in instigate trouble.

    We also get the impression that for a few posters here, some of this is a carry over because they did not care for our comments in another thread that discussed Fanconi dogs. We wonder why it bothers some so much that we have a different methodology, different point of view, or difference of opinion. For god sakes its a chat board. Its a place to learn, inquire, and exchange ideas. Apparently somewhere along the way, a few posters have forgotten that.

    Jason and Miranda

  • I have been away from my computer this weekend at the BCONC specialty. I found this thread quite odd when I read it all the way through. Jason asked a few questions of Vicki to get a better idea of her situation before tackling the questions she asked. Vicki answered the questions. Then for no real reason other people seemed to take offense to the questions that were asked and already answered. Why? What is it about forums that seems to make people feel that all questions being asked hide some nefarious meaning. If we don't ask any questions how are we expected to understand each other?

  • Miss an hour, miss a lot…:eek: ;)


    On another note, just last night we saw a tv show about a woman who started a rehab program for female inmates and dogs at her local prison. The inmates took full responsibility for the dogs and were required to take classes in order to learn how to properly care, and learn the proper menthods and procedures for rehabilitating the particular dog they care for. It looked like a wonderful thing for both the dogs and the women involved. Since you are an educator and have connections with your local detention center, do you think this is a program that might benefit the inmates there and help some dogs to be rehabilitated?

    We also wondered if there might be government grants or funding where you could create a non-for-profit 501c corporation to help offset the costs of starting such a program and assist you with your rescue efforts.

    We have a local trainer that started something similar to this program with our main state prison. The prisoners train and rehabilitate the dogs and once they are ready for their forever homes, one of the local animal shelters then adopts them out. It is a very successful program.

  • I agree with Lisa. If the people on the forum don't ask questions, how do they learn?? While, yes, I am opinionated (ya think?) sometimes I have to back up and reread the posts and apologize because I am an idiot! A question was asked by a reader, probably out of curiosity, not condemnation, and was replied to as a curiosity question. No one complained about it. I don't know how people manage when their dogs don't get along, I only know how I deal with it when mine don't get along. I like to read how people solve their problems because I might need that info in the future.

    And Jason/Miranda are correct-you never know people. Not even the person you live with. How many times have you been surprised by something someone you live with has said or done?

    My thoughts are jumbled a lot of the time, simply because I put too much on my plate, don't read all the way through, or, at times, simply see what I want to see. When I am corrected, I have to stand back and see what I really did or said and realize that what I wrote, or the way I wrote it, is not what I actually meant to say. I don't believe the people on this forum are out to get anyone, but if I ask a stupid question, and get corrected for it, I shouldn't take offense either. I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes, when we write something, it can be taken out of context when someone else is reading it. Does that make sense?

  • So sticking up for eachother is way wrong when you are on this forum? I never knew that to be the case.
    There are other dog owners on this forum that has 6 or more dogs and I think if they were to take in more dogs, they would not be questioned as to where they would keep them or how in the world do you have enough time for all of them..
    Vicki asked for advice as to how to bring these two rescue Eskis into her home, not whether she should/could or the like.
    That being said.. WHy the whole

    It is great to know that you would not question Vicki, but we don't know her, we don't know her situation and even if we did, we still might question her, depending on the situation. Recently we met someone, worked with them on several occasions, thought they were okay, and later they murdered someone (allegedly) we were on NBC dateline in regard to it! We would not hesitate to question, in order to provoke thought, and to get more of through understanding on the subject. It is unfortunate you find that objectionable.

    was brought into converstation is absurd..We don't know Vicki, we are not supposed to know eachother ( unless you do because of geographics), it is a forum, where you meet people for advice, fun antics and great pictures…
    I think, even if I don't know Vicki, if she were to all of a sudden hurt somebody, she would leave her beloved pets and fosters alone...

    Vicki sorry if I felt like standing up for you and you didn't want that..

    ComicDog, the "poster" you are refering to is Basenjimamma, you may use my name next makes for an easier read.

  • Vicki I also felt like standing up for you and so I did.

    Basenjimamma I am with you on this with being said I like your style.

    Comic Dog sometimes enough is enough and going over and over it just makes it get worse and more gets said new day new things in life.

    Rita Jean

  • Okay everybody … take a deep calming breath.
    Technology is great in bringing people together with other's ideas and opinions but it doesn't (yet) allow us to read body language, which is really critical in understanding what other's are saying -- so let's just keep that in mind and continue to exchange ideas and help each other out here.

  • Wizard you are right…I am leaving this, and I won't come back...

  • @wizard:

    Okay everybody … take a deep calming breath.
    Technology is great in bringing people together with other's ideas and opinions but it doesn't (yet) allow us to read body language, which is really critical in understanding what other's are saying -- so let's just keep that in mind and continue to exchange ideas and help each other out here.

    Unfortunately, it is not necessary to use body language to see someone blatantly misquoting and ridiculing another poster.


  • Perhaps the original question was worded in an awkward manner. Ms. Vicki's answer seemed as if she felt she needed to defend herself. I can't believe this degenerated to this. Maybe next time we ask a question like that, leave it a little more open-ended so that many of us don't feel like someone is being a busybody or that someone else is being accused of something.

    I don't think ComicDom meant it to come across that way, but somehow, it did and now, here we are.

    I would have worded the original question something like this: "Wow, Vicki, you sure do a lot! How do you do it?"

    Just a thought.

  • I like your thinking AJs Human but I am going with Basenjimamma and leaving this thread to all the others. Thank you for your thought.

    Rita Jean

  • Folks,

    The purpose of this board is to provide a place for Basenji owners to make connections, exchange information and assist and encourage one another. It is above all a friendly environment for online discussion.

    This is a forum for the discussion of Basenjis, not a dueling society. If you feel attacked, please report it to the admin and then ignore the poster. Remember, however much you were provoked, if you attack a poster then you are just as guilty of breaking the rules.

    Telling other people what to do and how to post is rude, derails the conversation even further and often ignites flame wars. Please just report the user to the admin and move on.


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